AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0311 - 0320 (H)

Out of Place

Whenever someone new moves into my town I take a good long look at their pristine, well-put-together house before immediately destroying it with fish and bugs. It almost makes me not want to trade with them, but they're so happy about having terrible taste.


North Goal

The compass is a very helpful item, because treasure chests are always lined up in a row directly north of where you pick it up.



You might think Animal Crossing is not a horror game, but you probably only think that if you haven't been chased by a tarantula at night.


Supply and Demands

While I was leveling my blacksmithing skill was mysteriously also the same time period every store in the country unanimously stocked up on leather helmets, entirely by choice. What a coincidence!

Hey TEXAS FRIENDS, I am going to be all up at you next weekend for San Japan! It's in San Antonio! I hope you're ready to not forget the Alamo because I already practiced!!


Under the Table

This happened to me as I was visiting a friend's town – Katrina told me to buy one of her dress designs and it became pointedly obvious that they were in cahoots.

Thank you if you came out to San Japan! It was a great show and I remembered the Alamo as hard as I could and I THINK I got first place!


Behind the Table

I probably shouldn't be as overobsessive over unimportant minutiae in my comics as I am, but I actually try really hard to be accurate to the source, which sometimes includes reading through text transcripts or rewatching scenes on YouTube or even firing up a game and replaying a part to get the details I want. It usually doesn't really add anything to the joke or the comic experience as a whole, but being overobsessive is as being overobsessive does.
ON THE OTHER HAND, sometimes I end up bending the source a little bit to help poke the joke in the right direction, and I guess I'm not the only person who pays attention to that stuff because people are always super eager to call me out on it! As a person who tells jokes I shouldn't care as long as it's funnier, but as a stubborn fanatic there's always a part of me that wants to tell you «I totally already know, I did it on purpose and YOU GOTTA BELIEVE MEEE»

But then sometimes people get mad at weird stuff like Khajiits looking kind of like dogs, to which my response is to draw Khajiits looking even more like dogs.



I picked up Civ V during the tail end of the Steam Summer Sale and it is definitely a great way to kill seven hours without realizing it!

I did feel kind of cheated when, while chasing down an enemy unit with a sweet helicopter gunship, it had to stop and get into a little boat to cross a river. I'm not sure the helicopter pilot realized he was piloting a helicopter.


Chair Re-Picking

It turns out animals don't really have a firm grasp on object permanence. They probably shouldn't be allowed to own property?

I know it hurts my feelings when I buy them gifts and then they try to sell them back to me a week later. They also clearly don't have a firm grasp on friendship etiquette.


Another Round

Bioshock: Infinite came out a while ago so it seemed like a pretty good time to play the first game! You could say I am With The Times.

I liked how looting something forced you to pick up everything in the container, including immediate-use items that would negatively affect you. I guess the main character is just really excited about eating three bags of chips at once.

INTERESTING FACT: the main character wears a goofy sweater! I didn't know this until I looked up a reference, because you never get to see what he looks like at any point in the game. So, naturally, I drew a comic about him with no other indicators that this is a comic about Bioshock and didn't realize that fact until I was done. I AM A PROFESSIONAL, HIRE ME FOR BIRTHDAYS AND FUNERALS


Inferior Decoration

I don't really like knowing that a crew of weaselfolk is inspecting my house at six in the morning every day.

ALASKANS! I'll be in Anchorage next weekend for Senshi-Con! I look forward to moose-riding with you and other things I'm pretty sure I've heard are Alaskan pastimes!

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