Старая ревизия
AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0061 - 0070
Playing a Link to the Past in ye olden days, the items I found most interesting were the Canes of Somaria and Byrna, two artifacts of ARCANE MIGHT. (One made exploding blocks and was awesome; the other created a barrier that drained your magic meter and was used primarily by losers.) It wasn't their functions that caught my attention so much as their names – no Somaria or Byrna have ever been mentioned anywhere else in the Zelda universe, as far as I was aware, and so I at some point in this train of thought concluded with the staves belonging to wizards of the same names. It made sense at the time.
Anyway, several years later the Minish Cap was released, and one of its many bizarre items was the Cane of Pacci, a throwback to the mysterious canes of previous games. This one, however, serves an entirely useless purpose, and I can't imagine why any sort of sorcerer would want to put his name on it.
Oh yeah, and as many people have noticed, I'd completely forgotten about dating the last few comics for 2008. That's fixed now.
The Brawlening (Часть 1)
So Brawl is basically the best game ever. The end.
Smash-related comics from now on will have secret character spoilers, so if you didn't want to know that Mario's in Brawl you can just take your leave right now. I'm not planning on doing anything Subspace-related, though, so those worried about that can stay. To celebrate, I drew a picture. It's a retooling of a picture I drew a few years ago, but I liked the concept. Basically, have you ever noticed how everyone in the universe seems to have an evil twin…?
I don't even remember where the notion of Marth's last name being Lowell comes from – the cartoon or the manga or some equally sketchy source – but I like it so there you go.
The Brawlening (Часть 2)
Yeah, they're technically two different people. I still like OoT!Link over TP!Link, to be honest, buuut times change, I guess. I hope this wasn't too confusing, because Links are sortof hard to differentiate between when I draw them…
I really hate drawing Mario. I'm sorry, but I do. I was all enthusiastic about drawing this comic until Mario came up, and then you can see how everything in a wide radius around him just kindof dips in quality where I got too depressed to draw right.
Trophy Hustle
I tend to sacrifice actual joke-telling for drawing stupid stuff kinda often. Sorry.
This week I wanted to draw King Dedede and wa-wa-wa-wacky faces and that's what happened.
The Trophy Stand trophy is still my favorite trophy.
What is wrong with Link's face in the first panel.
Another WoW comic, against my better judgement. Nobody seems to like them except some people who actually play WoW, and nobody cares about their opinions. Oh well!
I just like the idea of handing a silk robe to a blacksmith and expecting something useful to happen.