AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0001 - 0010 (D)


Whoah! Different! You never know what I'm going to do next! Golly gee!
I guess I wanted to try a comic in Flash. It's alot harder to cut corners on things and takes a monstrous amount of time, but it does grant some luscious freedoms that Oekaki simply does not. Like a canvas bigger than seven hundred pixels!
Better? Yes? No? Eh?

Ah, coin battles…you'd think random money spurting out of people would be taken advantage of more often.
Haha, I managed to draw Roy's stupid hair completely different in every panel.



Гало – оптический феномен, светящееся кольцо, видимое вокруг источника света.

Oh, Ocarina of Time, how long it has been. After killing Twinrova, Koume and Kotake seem to ascend to an illuminated higher plane, instead of getting sucked into a fiery vortex (which would probably make more sense, given their inherent nefarity). I don't know, maybe there's another side to them we've never seen–something to balance out and perhaps even outweigh the evil. Maybe, when the two are not smiting innocents or flying around in dastardly circles, they're rescuing puppies from burning buildings or donating to charity.
Also, like the complete lifeless nerd I am, I translated the Hylian on their headbands and tabards.
Amazing: they just mirror «Koume» and «Kotake» over and over again. Yay!
What I found interesting is that they're not written in Old Hylian, like most everything in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask; the symbols are from New Hylian, canonically developed hundreds of years later in WindWaker and a Link to the Past. QUAPLA!



Okay I hate hate hate the cloaking device. Being invisible is only useful for about one second because the people I'm fighting can find me, but I always lose track of where I am and I end up sprinting off cliffs by accident. Woe.
Transferring the concept to sentient characters is a little bit…off.



Примечание переводчика: Я решила оставить оригинальное название выпуска, так как его было довольно трудно перевести из-за того, что при переводе на русский, смысл почти полностью терялся.
Краткость – сестра таланта. Фраза выше в моём изложении: «в названии выпуска сложная игра слов, поэтому перевода нет». Хотя можно бы привести несколько вариантов, или наилучший + ссылки на лингвосайты с подробностями (Robot Spike)

Beh, short lame cut-and-paste comic, sue me. I'm tres busy.
I'm telling you: Courage was a total cop-out decision for a force…
Power has an offensive move, okay; Wisdom has a defensive move, makes sense; Courage…has a wimp-out «teleport to a different room» move. It's just silly.
Tried making the Great Faries look less…distressing. The Great Fairy of Power looks like she's trying to camouflage in her natural habitat (a large strawberry).



Небольшая справка: автор комикса Katie Tiedrich покупает канцелярию от производителя, который помечает коробки с подобной продукцией просто как скрепки, и именно это она ненавидит больше всего.
Staples Inc. (по-русски «Скрепки») - сеть магазинов. В стрипе их логотип, название – их лозунг. Рекомендую к прочтению статью на вики – стрип гораздо глубже, чем кажется на первый взгляд. (plBots)

I guess I should explain something right away, for those unfortunate enough not to know:
Staples is a chain outlet for office supplies and other miscellaneous wares. They've got all sorts of crap, and they're a good store. Apparently they do not exist everywhere, however, and I would not want some poor fool to be at a disadvantage while in the process of viewing this image. So now you know.
But anyway, happy November, you freaks. So sorry to have not done anything for a few weeks (
and after just coming off hiatus/lazy, too), but I was working on a contest entry for something–a Flash animation, no less. Stick around, I'll probably post it in a few days. But not now, because I'm building suspense.
But okay, I'm back in comic mode now. Back to regular updates now, or however close to that I can manage. Also this comic was rushed and I am sorry. Deeply.
Oh, and I guess happy late Halloween to anyone who hasn't already forgot it happened. My chemistry teacher suggested I go as a Staples store, because of my red-and-paperclip Hat. But it reminded me of a story! A story, infact, that is true.
There are alot of store-brand products at Staples–that means the company itself creates them and sells them directly. They are of decent quality and I buy them, but every box looks the same. They're all about the same size, with the little red «STAPLES» label…and while most wares are distinguishable from eachother, it somehow makes it impossible for you to find actual staples.



«Он для заполнения квоты» – вероятно в компании должен работать иммигрант, иначе дискриминация и бла-бла-бла. Лучше бы в наклейках для начала перевод выложить, а потом по нему заниматься врисовкой. Да и цвета подобрать, а то тяжело читать. (plBots)

Alot of people ask me whether or not I'll discontinue Melee-themed comics in exchange of newer, Brawlier fodder. At this point, the answer is probably yes, but I'm still tentative.
My main qualm over it is the characters. If there are too many new fighters introduced and there ends up being like fifty characters to choose from, I know I'd only end up drawing like half of them…and I'm already bad with cycling characters. Conversely, a new terror has been mentioned: so says Masahiro Sakurai, SSB's main director man, there is the possibility that not all Melee characters will be making a return for Brawl. As far as which characters would be booted out is still unknown, though fans have made up their own lists–unfortunately, on the top of everyone's seems to be Roy. «He's just a bad Marth clone!»
«He was only included as an advertisement for FE6!»
«He's not strong enough!»
«He's Japanese!«
Naturally, such an idea shakes me to my very core, 'cause I sometimes like to fight using Roy on some Melee occasions… Oh, yeah, and because of the whole comic thing. Oh, the woes of using someone else's characters to make a profit! Anyway, if any of my favorite characters to make fun of are left out, I just don't know what I'll do. The best thing is to just wait for the game to come out so I can decide then, so shut up and stop asking me. However…I thought Pit's character model looked remarkably like Roy's. Maybe it's because he's short.

So, as I am most certainly late to inform you, new Brawl trailer-thing! Mostly gameplay, good stuff. The thing that captured my interest is that Fox is back, yay! (Like there was any chance that he wouldn't return, but any news is good news.) The fan reaction to McCloud's appearance here is kinda funny. People were complaining because he doesn't holster his blaster after using it (apparently), his new retarded shoes look so heavy that they will «probably slow him down so he's not a fast character anymore», he's not furry enough, and, ofcourse, everybody gets mad when they think he's wearing a variant of the StarFox Command getup. (I'm looking at you, Scott.) You people…Command just recycled Fox's traditional green jumpsuit-and-beige flakjacket statement. You know, the clothes he's always worn. Except in Assault. But nobody likes that game anyway. What I'm bothered by is the fact that they switched his microphone to the other side of his head. That's going to give me a tumor, but I could care less about his clothes. The boots…the boots I'm not too keen on, though.



Суппозитории- Лекарственные препараты, применяемые для введения в полости тела.

Oh, it is the Matrix. Look! I saw it again last week and it made me feel comical.
I'm sure they'd want to…you know, make sure Neo joined them…
…I know Neo was still wearing his peasant garb at this point of the movie, but I suck and he'd be even further beyond recognition here without the signature sunglasses and…frock.
And oops I drew the red and blue pills in the opposite hands in the first panel.



Ha-ha, you guys thought it would be a Zelda comic! Wrong.
Okay, so it was Mario Baseball that had the ridiculous team names, but this comic is a variety pastiche now! Plus the Strikers uniforms looked fun to draw.
Honestly, «Luigi's Vacuums»…I don't know, it just appears to me as if this household appliance has become Luigi's passion, as he now contours his entire life around it. ONE TIME HE STARRED IN HIS OWN GAME YOU GUYS. IT HAD A VACUUM IN IT.



Okay, here's some Twilight Princess thing! Festations.
I don't care how much more realistic Link's tights look in this game, they're still not pants. I do not accept them.
I somehow tricked myself into using PhotoShop on this thing, for which I have already punished myself vehemently (I watched Drew Carey do stand-up). Those…lines! I can never get PhotoShop lines sharp enough, they're always all blurry and gross. Blurry lines give me brain tumors, you know.



Yes, as you know if you've seen any of the trailers, both the Iron Boots and the (poorly-drawn) Gorons return in Twilight Princess. So I didn't spoil anything. For real, I am conscious of you poor fools who haven't played it yet. I would not want to harm your mental state by revealing to you that, say, Midna is Link's mother, or that Zelda turns out to be a man. Was I joking? You don't know!

Oh, and because people keep ragging on me for it: yes, I draw Midna with her left eye covered. Perhaps you commoners don't know it, but the Wii version of Twilight Princess was completely flipped so that Link could be righthanded. All for you starboard freaks. This means that everything in the game is mirrored; every other character in the game is lefthanded, Hyrule is geographically lopsided, Midna's helmet is covering her other eye, blah blah blah.
Some people may logically conclude «Okay, so just draw it that way», but no! The GameCube version is still unmirrored, and Link remains lefthanded in SSB: Brawl and all concept art. I will continue to draw them as they were originally drawn, and I will also continue to overimplement italics.

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