Эта старая версия была заменена новой проверенной версией !
Эта версия является непроверенным черновиком! (последняя правка: 2015/03/30 08:26 от Robot Spike)
Проверили: 0/1

Проверили: 0/1
Старая ревизия
Sandra and Woo 0670
Fun Facts
I checked various sources and it looks like William Wirt was an inactive member of the freemasons at the time of his nomination. He definitely held no grudge against them.
The actual Kickstarter project with -2 backers had nothing to do with smartwatches. It was titled “SelfMade Entrepreneurs, LLC * Lifestyle * Branding * Music”. Kickstarter fixed the bug/problem in the meantime, though, and the project page now simply says “0”.