编辑 编辑该页面,然后点击保存。帮助,游乐场 媒体文件 FIXME **此页面没有被翻译完全。请帮助翻译本页。**\\ //(当全文翻译完时请移除这个段落)// == Sandra and Woo 0670 == **Fun Facts** {cnav} {{0670.png}} <!-- --> I checked various sources and it looks like William Wirt was an inactive member of the freemasons at the time of his nomination. He definitely held no grudge against them. The actual Kickstarter project with -2 backers had nothing to do with smartwatches. It was titled [[http://www.sandraandwoo.com/images/misc/kickstarter-fail.png|“SelfMade Entrepreneurs, LLC * Lifestyle * Branding * Music”]]. Kickstarter fixed the bug/problem in the meantime, though, and the [[https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1526376461/selfmade-entrepreneurs-llc-lifestyle-branding-musi|project page]] now simply says “0”. {{tag>alfonso_cuarón emma_watson harry_potter hermione_granger kickstarter larisa movies politics ron_weasley rupert_grint sandra william_wirt woo}} 保存后继续编辑 本网站的名称,英文,仅限小写 请将此区域留空保存 预览 取消 编辑摘要 当您选择开始编辑本页,即寓示你同意将你贡献的内容按下列许可协议发布: CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International