Freefall 3101 - 3110 (H)
Freefall 3101
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3102
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3103
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
The proton-boron cycle is one possible promising fusion cycle for future generations of reactors. The reaction of one proton and one boron-11 nucleus produces three alpha particles and nothing else. Heavy, easily trapped charged particles as products of the reaction would allow the creation of a reactor with direct conversion of particle energy into electricity without the aid of heat machines. The disadvantage of this reaction is that it requires 15 times higher temperatures than the easiest to master deuterium-tritium cycle. (KALDYH)
Freefall 3104
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
Polywell. Unlike tokamak and stellarator, the word has not yet become a household name.
Freefall 3105
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3106
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3107
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3108
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3109
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
I have serious doubts, given her flair… which she has already demonstrated. Although, the caveat that 'didn't know until last' is intriguing… Libertarian Libertarian.
Freefall 3110
Nuclear reactors and targeted advertising
Color by George Peterson
Malicious compliance is the act of deliberately causing harm by faithfully following all instructions given by superiors, in the knowledge that following them will not lead to the result the superiors expect. The application of this principle in the workplace to class controversies is called Italian strike. (Mitrill)
And every biped is curious to see how this furry creature works. And so are we, the viewers. (Robot Spike)