Freefall 2251 - 2260 (H)
Freefall 2251
Edge reactivates Blunt

Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2252
Edge reactivates Blunt

Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2253
Edge reactivates Blunt

Color by George Peterson
Ironman quotes Gandalf from “The Lord of the Rings” (the episode with the Balrog) (KALDYH)
Freefall 2254
Robot chases wolf

Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2255
Robot chases wolf

Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2256
Robot chases wolf

Color by George Peterson
1903 - 1995 – dates of birth and death John Vincent Atanasov
Freefall 2257
Robot chases wolf

Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2258
Robot chases wolf

Color by George Peterson
For the slowpokes (like me): above the torch - Florence's nose. (Tambov)
Freefall 2259
Robot chases wolf

Color by George Peterson
Freefall 2260
Into the Ecosystems Unlimited compound

Color by George Peterson