Freefall 0611 - 0620 (H)
Freefall 0611
Time to wake up and stalk the coffee
Poor Helix. I should have tried explaining to him that organ meats are how carnivores get their vitamins.
Instead, when he ran off with my food, I chased him down and left him in pieces. Hungry or not, my behavior should be better than that.
Though I must admit that as substitute prey, Helix has made this meal much more satisfying.
Freefall 0612
Time to wake up and stalk the coffee
I'll make myself sick if I eat until I'm no longer hungry. Time to grab a couple of towels and put this in the refrigerator.
There we go. Far in the back and covered with towels. It should be safe until I come back for it.
Covered with towels? Ack! My instincts are showing. I just buried a Tupperware bowl.
Freefall 0613
Time to wake up and stalk the coffee
Where did you go with my leg?
There was a burr on the rotator cuff. I filed it off.
That does feel smoother. Every time you disassemble and reassemble me, I'm a little bit better than I was before.
I thought I was sending such a simple message.
I'm due for maintenance soon. Should I set up an appointment or just pull your tail?
Freefall 0614
Time to wake up and stalk the coffee
Freefall 0615
Time to wake up and stalk the coffee
I was warned not to let you cook.
But I've made improved cookware.
A pressure cooker works by applying pressure and heat for a long time. My way does the same thing in an instant.
That sounds almost like you're trying to cook by using explosives.
I am. I'm pretty sure it works, but Sam's never regained consciousness soon enough to give me a good taste test.
Freefall 0616
Time to wake up and stalk the coffee
Helix, most foods contain a lot of water. Liquids don't really compress. Using explosives, you're sending shock waves through the food more than you are heating it.
I find it a little disturbing that Sam lets you cook that way.
I find it much more disturbing that you two have access to explosives in the first place.
Freefall 0617
Time to wake up and stalk the coffee
Here's what we've been using. John Jones Monroevian Moonshine. Fine sipping whiskey and high explosive.
Ingredients list muskrat squeezings, nitroglycerin, and other additives both natural and unnatural.
“If you drink this, you will die.” Pretty clear warning label.
Uhm, That's the statement of quality. The warnings are listed further down.
Muskrat – ондатра или менее вероятно выхухоль (дословно мускусная крыса). Тут игра слов: muscat squeezings – выжимки мускатного ореха, которые добавляют в вино для придания пряного аромата. “Монровийский самогон Джона Джонса” содержит давленую ондатру
Freefall 0618
Freefall 0619
Time to wake up and stalk the coffee