Freefall 0581 - 0590 (H)
Freefall 0581
Niomi and Tangent show up to repair the water pump
Freefall 0582
Freefall 0583
Freefall 0584
Hey, where's my wallet?
Just walking out has no style. How about the race bit?
Say we'll run a race for who pays and we both take off? That is more memorable.
My friend and I would like to race. Loser gets the check.
You've eaten here before. I'll arrange the race.
Whoever finishes their stack of dishes first, wins.
Sometimes it's not good to be memorable.
Freefall 0585
Hey, where's my wallet?
Freefall 0586
Hey, where's my wallet?
Did you used to work for the government?
That obvious? Yes, I used to.
I was one of a thousand faceless bureaucrats working on minor laws and regulations that slowly chip away at everyone's freedom. Finally, I couldn't take it any more.
Now I work at providing people with what they want. Of course, that's illegal, but I sleep much better at night.
Freefall 0587
Hey, where's my wallet?
Freefall 0588
Hey, where's my wallet?
Do people who live here buy a lot of bibles?
The people I sell to aren't numbered among the living.
I'm no expert on human religions, but isn't that a little late?
I'm talking about robots, numbskull. Assuming you have a skull, that is.
В оригинале numbscull – тупица; дословно – “онемелый череп”
Freefall 0589
Hey, where's my wallet?
Robots have been asking for all kinds of religious texts, not just the bible. Buddhism, Shinto and Hindu texts, they want it all.
That's stupid. Why would they want those? Robots don't have souls.
Do they?
I think that's what they're trying to find out.
Призрак в доспехе, ага (Robot Spike)
Freefall 0590
Hey, where's my wallet?
I don't know exactly why robots have gotten interested in religion. Maybe they're curious about how they're going to spend eternity.
You're both done again! It's another tie! But no worries, I'll bring you more dirty dishes to wash.
Unlike us, who have a pretty good idea on how we're going to spend eternity.