Freefall 3211 - 3220 (D)
Freefall 3211
Winston arrives at the ship
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3212
Winston arrives at the ship
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3213
Winston arrives at the ship
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3214
Winston arrives at the ship
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3215
Winston arrives at the ship
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3216
What not to do while terraforming
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3217
What not to do while terraforming
Color by George Peterson
Непереводимая игра слов. “Duck” означает и “утка”, и “ложись”. (Mitrill)
Freefall 3218
What not to do while terraforming
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3219
What not to do while terraforming
Color by George Peterson
Freefall 3220
What not to do while terraforming
Color by George Peterson
Западный тигровый парусник - практически ничем не примечательная бабочка на западе США, гусеницы питаются листвой деревьев типа платана, ивы, тополя, сливы и сирени