This version (2023/08/10 13:46 ) is a draft.Anonimous)
Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2023/01/18 14:25) is available.
Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2023/01/18 14:25) is available.

Jesus and Mo 1134

[!2.0]I actually appreciate the barmaids critical examination of my beliefs
[!2.0]I've learned a lot about cognitive biases and logical fallacies
[!2.0]I agree - they are such useful concepts for someone like myself who strives to view the world objectively
[!2.0]It's ironic, that despite her supposed rationality, the barmaid can't see, that the Koran is God's perfect word
[!2.0]No it isn't - the Koran is an objectively mediocre text.
[!2.0]But it is weird, that she doesn't recognize the fact that I died and was resurrected for her sins
[!2.0]Ha ha! You're so irrational