This version (2023/10/11 17:42 ) is a draft.Anonimous)
Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2023/01/18 14:25) is available.
Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2023/01/18 14:25) is available.

Jesus and Mo 1125

[!1.2]Penal substitution is the model of atonement which states that I died on the cross to pay the price of mankind's sin
[!1.2]What was “the price”?
[!1.2]Blood! The spiling of my own blood was the only thing that could assuage my Dad's wrath
[!1.2]Yuck! That's pretty sick Jesus
[!1.2]Besides, you and your Dad are meant to be the same person - you're saying you could only satisfy yourself by torturing yourself to death?
[!1.2]You should be grateful I died in your place
[!1.2]Gee thanks, but how can it be right for one person to be punished on behalf of another? The whole thing is not only absurd, it is immoral
[!1.2]“Penal substitution” indeed! - it should be called Penil substitution
[!1.2]Because only a dick would believe it