Nerf Now!! 2611 - 2620 (H)
Nerf Now!! 2611

A classic wordless Nerf NOW!! for you guys.

Nerf Now!! 2612

Not much to talk today outside I been watching the International and the emote / voice spam is annoying there.

Since I don't have much else to say, some plug-ins.

My Patreon where I post hotter stuff.

My Discord where the fans usually hang out. Right now I've been on the Dota room because of T-eye.

My Twitter where I talk about random stuff and sometimes post doodles.

Nerf Now!! 2613

I wish Zhou could give me some of it's patience because this guy has no chill.

Nerf Now!! 2614

I totaly expected the end of the arcana vote before doing the punchline of the comic.

Personally, I voted for Windy but an ogre is fine two.

Nerf Now!! 2615

I wanted to see the bees but I lost my Minecraft acount info. :/

Still, it got my interested more than the ray thing, which while nice didn't made me want to play it again.

Nerf Now!! 2617

Double-lightsabers are impractical weapons but we let it slide because when Darth Maul showed it, it was cool. Double the number of blades means double the fighting power, right?

But Rey flip-saber just looks lame. The little akward un-folding motion packs little power, like opening an umbrella on a rainy day.

It's a lame version of the double-saber which like I said, it's not a practical weapon. Let's not fool ourselves this wasn't made for any other reason than to sell more toys at Walmart.

Nerf Now!! 2618

Before someone asks, the Switch version will be released soon.™

Nerf Now!! 2619

By the way, just to be clear, I wasn't paid for this or anything, I just like the art of the game and I wanted to give it some support.

I want to say I like the game but I haven't played it or the game it is inspired by so I have no opinion of it, however, I did kickstart it.

Indivisible is being released October 8.

p.s. Maybe I should draw some of the girls on my Patreon?

Nerf Now!! 2620

I think WoW Classic has some good ideas, or perhaps I should say Moder ditched those ideas to make the game casual friendly.

I posted several stuff I think Classic does better like more unique class balance, more cohesive world true to Warcraft (or fantasy) ethos or just having the world feel real and populated because people are not flying around on their personal shards.

It's not to say Modern doesn't do the right things too. There are 15 years of quality of life stuff baked in after all. The end game of Classic was also pretty dry with only 2 dungeons and 1 raid to run and no PvE solo content at all.

Still, those will still last for a bit and who knows where people will go from there?

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