Nerf Now!! 2501 - 2510 (H)
Nerf Now!! 2501

Jaina new look in World of Warcraft doesn't bother me much. She is older and perhaps found the metal boob plate doesn't fit her new bitter self. Note I'm not giving it a standing ovation either, it just I think it fits.

However, going as far as retcon her look in Hearthstone stings a bit. Blizzard may be trying to be more… what's the word? Family friendly? Respectful? Woke? They will have lots of work ahead thou, especially in the Night Elf territory. Maybe that's the reason they burned Teldrasil?

Anyway, even if all AAA companies out there shy away from fanservice, there will always be people out there to carry on this «noble» tradition.

Nerf Now!! 2502

I submit. I'll download Apex Legends and give it a fair try.

I mean, it's free and if I don't like it I lose nothing. If it gives me a couple of comic ideas it will be worth my time.

I expect to lose a lot, get salty and hate the experience.

Nerf Now!! 2503

I just realized there is a triple crossover on this comic, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch and Apex Legends.

I feel I can pull something more from this but for now, enjoy this strip.

p.s. I may do a vote here about which game on my backlog I should finish, maybe this will give me the extra drive to give those unfinished games a rest.

Nerf Now!! 2504

For those who don't know, Tetris 99 is a Tetris «battle royale» with 100 people playing together, each one on their own board.

If you erase 2, 3 or 4 lines on your board, you send lines of garbage blocks to one of the other players and they can do the same with you.

Hopefully, this is all the info needed to get today's joke.

Nerf Now!! 2505

This rant has nothing to do with Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat or EVO.

At some point, Ben Brode from Blizzard's Hearthstone said on an interview they didn't add more deck slots because they were afraid this would confuse and/or intimidate some players, this turned basically into a meme in the community but I want to dig a bit deeper.

Assuming what he says is true (and not some excuse to hide some deeper development issues) this means they are trying to make games for people who will turn away from a game because they got lost into a very basic UI. I can see it now… guy create his 10th deck, who goes on the 2nd page of the deck slot list and the poor guy can't find his new deck and quit the game after leaving a 1-star review on the App Store.

The issue here is, you can't make a shirt who fits both a giant and a midget. You can try but there are just so many concessions you can give to make the game appealing for your non-gamer granma and expect her gamer grandkid to stay interested.

Once upon a time, casual was a gamer who didn't play often but now casual is basically the non-gamer, and by trying to appeal to those you throw away good mechanics. Even if you don't the divided focus means you are always holding back.

A game like Dota Auto Chess would never be created by a modern company. The game is confusing and unfair but reward you learning how to play it.

Nerf Now!! 2506

I hope Bioware didn't put all their eggs on Anthem basket because while I thnk the game is fair, fair was not enough for Destiny 2.

Nerf Now!! 2507

Old school anime had fanservice, but (most) were not centered around it. Some animes had more, some had less but even the animes who were clearly going for the sex appeal with revealing outfits they still tried to had some plot or humor. I'm sure there are exceptions for this rule, as with everything.

Now I feel we have several animes with very little plot and centered around as many panties and groping you can fit in 20 minutes. If by one side they will not cross some lines (no more underage Bulma upskirt) they learned how to push the envelope as much as possible without getting a lawsuit, and cross said line on the DVD release.

Not every anime is like that but every season we'll have at least one of what I call «pantsu anime», together with some harem anime and one «club of girls doing cute things». Most are meh, or maybe I'm old. I'll go with both.

Nerf Now!! 2508

I never owned a Playstation, my gaming «career» went from SNES to PC so I never experienced the worst of loading times in gaming and never got used to it like some of my friends.

So when I find a game with loading times for me it's the most egregious of things. I totally understand why Nintendo launched the Nintendo 64 with cartridges because they didn't believe gamers would accept the loading times of DVDs back in 1996.

We are now in 2018 and if loading times bothered me back then imagine right now. Of course, modern loading times are nowhere as bad as they used to be but we also have faster machines and honestly, less tolerance for this kind of stuff.

I may give Anthem a chance some day but not while I heard the word loading times near it's name. I simply don't enjoy any game plagued by loading times and like I say all the time, it's not like there is a shortage of games out there fighting for our time, time best used playing instead of waiting the game to load.

Nerf Now!! 2509

You may be thinking about how Jane got illusionary powers but it's some Anne shenanigans here, she actually is the one borrowing mirage powers while disguised as Jane.

Anne on the 1st panel is actually a robot made by Angie.


Nerf Now!! 2510

Fuck February 28 days month, need to run or I won't finish the last Patreon pic on time.


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