Nerf-now 2281 - 2290 (H)
Nerf Now!! 2281

I have no trouble with old, good games getting remakes, I think it's a pit some of those old jewels to go unoticed by newer generations.

Still, it's hard to create a new joke on top of a old game so this Direct didn't do much for me.

Mario Tennis looks boos thou, I don't really like Tennis games but I'd play at least the story mode of it.

Nerf Now!! 2282

I have no doubts Artifact is «inspired» by Hearthstone. success, and I have no problem with it. I mean, imagine if the only shooter we had today was whatever came first.

But the list of games trying to ride Hearthstone success is big and yet none managed to topple the giant. Different from Overwatch or even WoW at the time I don't think Hearthstone is the best in the market. The client is buggy and lack basic features and at least for me, doesn't feature the best art in the genre.

So why Hearthstone keep the lead? Outside of the investment factor of people not wanting to start a collection from scratch, I think Hearthstone is easy. Every time I see a new card game they have some feature like multiple mana colors, multiple lanes, hex grids and whanot.

On other side with Hearthstone lots of decks can be auto-piloted and while you can obviously misplay usually the best options are pretty clear. Mysterious Challenger turn 6 anyone?

From what I saw so far Artifact looks a step above Blizzard's game in difficulty so I have my doubts if people who are used to that laid-back approach will enjoy a harder game independent of how good it may be.

Nerf Now!! 2283

A bunch of punishment was distributed by Blizzard recently on the Overwatch League, this, coupled with the move from having their channel being moderated by a in-house team instead of community volunteers make the writing clear. Overwatch League is to be as safe and friendly as it can be. We are talking about Disney safe here.

Personally, I'm not fond of this style of heavy moderation. I'm not saying it's WRONG or Blizzard should not do it, but I, *personally* don't enjoy it. Yes, I much prefer people spamming racist memes (and being banned few seconds later) than having the place looking like a church meeting.

Overwatch League is like trying to have a cool party with your parents on the room. It may work for some but not for me.

Still, some people out there find unacceptable someone being rude on the internet and those will find the League a good place to watch Overwatch.

Nerf Now!! 2284

The worst games where hackers are concerned are…

Free 2 Play ( little punishement)

Shooters ( already have a strong hacker culture)

Solo games (deathmatch and now battle royale)

Popular games ( more players means more hacks being developed)

Skill intensive games (I mean, what you'll hack on Hearthstone right? :)

Of those, PUBG only lacks being F2P but before even touching it I knew it would have tons of hackers. I feel there is little Bluehole could do to stop it but I also think they could have done more.

Fortnite better learn from that because they are probably next on the chop block.

Nerf Now!! 2285

Nobody can deny bitcoin «investors» are the more optmistic people on Earth. If a meteor were to wipe humanity tomorrow they would say this would be good for bitcoin because the time to cash-in their money finally arrived.

Nerf Now!! 2286

I feel even if Bluehole fixed all the bugs and banned all the hackers, the public opinion of PUBG as a bad game is too rooted right now.

If I was a fan of the game I'd do my hardest to point the positive aspects because right now I only hear negativity.

Sure, I agree with most of the complains but I was never a fan of the game to start, even when it was a «indie» sensation.

Personally, I'm just waiting for a class-based Battle Royale with Team Fortress / Overwatch gunplay and less focus on looting, more focus on shooting.

Nerf Now!! 2287

One of my memories of classic Starcraft was the Protoss Dragoon doing their little pathing dance on big teamfights, never shooting.

Pathing problems happened with all units and this was specially noticiable when going up on any ramp but Protoss Dragoon was a special offender. I'm sure Siege Tanks probably suffered from the same issue but since they were used mostly in siege mode this was less remarkable.

One of the things which surprised more on Starcraft 2 was not the fancier graphics or new units but how a bunch of zerglings could move like a stream of water.

I wonder if we had better pathing on Starcraft 1 Dragoons would been more popular…

Nerf Now!! 2288

Dallas Fuel is prob the worst team on Overwatch League right now.

While I believe they possess the mechanical skills to perform on the league, weeks of :drama, bans and poor performance took a tool and the team is clearly tilted and I dare to say, some simply stop caring.

This said, there are worse fates than being the worst team in profesional Overwatch and in the end someone need to be dead last, right?

Nerf Now!! 2289

While Shangai Dragons haven't won a single game yet I think Dallas Fuel may be the worst team given the morale and communication issues.

Shangai may want to try to at least win its first game and just not be worst team in the league but people had higher expectations of Dallas Fuel, expectations which I think the team don't believe they can achieve anymore so why bother?

Let me put that way, Shangai is a featherweight who is at least trying while Dallas is a heavyweight who stopped giving a shit. For now Dallas can still bully Shangai but eventually Shangai may find it's way.

To close, take anything I said with a grain of salt, if e-sports are anything like real life sports chances are everybody opinion about anything is full of shit. :)

Nerf Now!! 2290

Based on a real story, I, too, put lots of sugar on my coffee.

But I'm not on Morgan level, I just put 2 spoons.

I'm not a junkie!

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