Nerf Now!! 2871 - 2880 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2871

Inappropriate and Objectionable

I been a bit tired lately and decided to pay the doctor a visit.
Did some exams and got the result today, except I am not a doctor so I don't really understand the results so it doesn't know if I have a problem or not yet.
Anyway, moving to the comic…
I think Capcom just wants to avoid people who put a Patreon / Gumroad as a storefront for fan skins. It's just undercutting on their business of selling their own skins.
Still, seeing Capcom call some content «inappropriate» made me giggle a little. They were probably one of the thirstiest mainstream companies of the 90s and were pretty risque compared to what you usually could see on your TV at the time.
They are on their (legal) rights tho and even if it sounds a bit hypocritical, there is a line between swimsuits and nude mods, thought in the end of the day, I believe their motivation is monetary, not moral.

Nerf Now!! 2872

End Game

When RPGs were far simpler and your enemies were just a bunch of pixels with no voice lines, it was easier to ignore stuff like the enemy group being made of spiders, goblins and ghosts fighting side-by-side.
But as games evolved, moved to 3d and the enemy stopped being «mobs» to be people with motivations and dialogues you start to also expect them to behave more human-like. So when your Avatar of Death incarnate walk around mounted onf a T-Rex while holding Excalibur on one hand and a BFG 9000 on another those street thugs would stop bothering you.

Nerf Now!! 2873

Ori And The Difficulty Spike

Ori gave me a challenge. It's not extremely challenging and so far, I never reached a point where I was unsure I could not do it like Hollow Knight Radiance but Hollow Knight start reasonably hard. You have no HP, no damage, no reach, and no mobility.
Ori starts slow and safe, like a puppy playing in a backyard and getting a treat (upgrades) by doing the simplest of tasks like reaching a high platform.
Then eventually you get the air-dash thing and the game says «ok, kids glove off, let's start the real game» and suddenly the whole screen is made of spikes and enemy bullets are your lifeline.
Not saying the game is insanely hard, you can save anywhere after all, but it totally gave me a false sense of security. It's the kind of game I was thinking of suggesting for my super casual friend as an introductory game until it showed its true colors.

Nerf Now!! 2874


This comic is kind of an experiment and I'd like to know if you would like to see more stuff like that.
Give your feedback here or just drop on my Discord and say hi!
Oh, you can find the game here and no, I was not paid to chill for it. I'll give you guys a secret handshake if this ever happens ok?

Nerf Now!! 2875


My back is hurting and I have work to do so no rant today.
Enjoy the comic!

Nerf Now!! 2876


I was supposed to make a comic «review» of Cyberpunk vs Shadowrun but sometimes inspiration strikes and you need to let it go.
The movie idea is silly but as silly as ideas go, it appeals to the kid me. It's the kind of movie I go watch with zero expectations and as long as isn't aggressively bad like Independence Day II I can see myself enjoying it.
Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Nerf Now!! 2877

Jill From Girls Frontline

After playing Cyberpunk I decided to try something more indie and since I had Shadowrun already bought I gave it a try.
It started solid and the more indie, old-school approach was kind of refreshing after the mega-production fanfare which was Cyberpunk 2077. I was honestly having a good time and even made Angie a shotgun-wielding rigger with a security background just for roleplay reasons.
Until the Brotherhood quest… Suffice to say I experienced more serious bugs (soft locks, crashes) there than on my whole 2077 run. A little googling showed me I only experienced one of the several issues the particular mission had to offer and after replaying the mission 3x I stopped seeing the game with the same positive attitude.
The game shortcomings like the easy combat are far more obvious when you are doing the same mission a second time. Art, music, writing… everything got a second pass and I can tell you the new rating was usually lower. I heard the 2nd game, Dragonfall, is better but I am playing the first one, Returns, and I think it's fair to compare it with 2077.
In the end both games disappointed me… I guess cyberpunk RPGs have not been lucky.
At this point I believe if I try that cyberpunk bartender game spin-off VA-11 HALL-A I'll be disappointed too.
p.s. I know Jill is not from Girl's Frontline guys, she comes from Tokimeki Memorial. :)

Nerf Now!! 2878


I have been playing Raft and it's fun.
It kind of mixes lots of things I liked on other survival games, the mechanics' works, the game has one goal and even the graphics are nice. It's not overly complex but it's deep enough to have fun slowly progress thru the ocean.
10/10, would be shark food again.

Nerf Now!! 2879

Raft 2

The hardest part of Raft is the start but after you got an anchor, a big grill, and a solar-powered water purifier the game is smooth sailing.
I was sure I was at the end of the game but looks like I am just halfway thru it so who knows what more the game is holding for me.
10/10 would turn sand into circuit boards again.

Nerf Now!! 2880

Raft 3

The Raft saga continues, now with more fanservice.

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