Nerf Now!! 2631 - 2640 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2631

I tried to keep the quality, but I couldn't handle the load… imagine if the whole crew was on the screen!

Back to Low we go.

Nerf Now!! 2632

As far as I know, Blizzard doesn't pay streamers under the table to play and praise their games, this specific thing was just for the sake of the joke.

This said, there is this rumor the numbers of the Overwatch League are inflated, either by embedding the stream on multiple platforms, viewbots or simply but giving people rewards to «watch» the stream. I say «watch» because lots of people just let it play in the background while they do whatever. What this means is there are not many eyeballs following it and it's perhaps not as succesful as it was supposed to be.

Of course, this may be all a rumor, Overwatch League may be growing steadily and overtake Fortnite and even Soccer has the thing to watch in the future.

The truth is, it's pretty hard to know the real numbers however I don't meet many people who are interested on it but this is just my personal experience. Your corner of the world may be full of people wearing OWL jerseys discussing yesterday games.

But somehow I have my doubts about it.

Nerf Now!! 2633

Soft Support are heroes like Crystal Maiden and Pudge.

Nerf Now!! 2634

My real complain with the Steam Library is it's sometimes very slow and its browser is bad.

Outside that I really don't care about collections, groups or whatever. I just want a list with my games on it. Perhaps I'll create a category called «dumpster» to put games I know I'll never play but that's about it.

Still, the update is good from what I've seen, and I can't bash on progress. This all said unless Valve create a time machine to give my time to play more games the new Steam Library won't solve my backlog problems.

Nerf Now!! 2635

I'm not familiar with Fire Emblem but I think the more modern entries always had some fanservice intermission at some point.

It's nice to see Three Houses is keeping this noble tradition alive, thou I wonder about the backlash…

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it and hopefully the DLC will be steaming hot too.

Nerf Now!! 2636

The original idea was Alek being pissed with the goose shenanigans and… let say the goose didn't survive the encounter.

But I believe some people would find this too cruel for the plummed jerk so I decided to go with a less violent end. Yes, being shot by a sentry is tame compared with the original idea.

I think would be cool if on UGG 2 the goose could do some nice things, like helping people because some of his pranks are kind too much.

Nerf Now!! 2637

Good thing I'm too small to be on any shill list, I can do whatever unopposed.

It's not like the news outlets aren't reporting the issue, but they are surprisingly neutral and factual about the issue, which is pretty uncommon those days where the gaming media is extremely opinionated about everything.

Nerf Now!! 2638

When I see some people still arguing Sylvannas isn't evil and despicable I don't know if they are master trolls or have very shaky moral standards.

This reminds me what a friend of mine said: as long as the villain is hot, some people try to justify his actions.

Personally, when Sylvannas turned that random elf warrior head to the side so she could watch Teldrasil burn she crossed all the lines. It was petty villainy against a beaten foe far below her weight class.

But hey, she is hot so she probably had her reasons.

Nerf Now!! 2639

Death Stranding не игра моей мечты, но восхитительно, как быстро сделал её Кодзима. Казалось, ему понадобятся годы, чтобы создать новый шедевр, и вдруг готово!
Я просто надеюсь, что игра не такая, как Fallout 76.

Nerf Now!! 2640

I wish Paladin was more successful because I really like their models but I guess the world isn't big enough for 2 Overwatch's.

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