Nerf Now!! 2451 - 2460 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2451

Just to clarify, no money was given to make this comic, not even a free pack.

Damn scrooges.

Nerf Now!! 2452

It's time to Angie to show Allison who is the boss of this gym with some good fisting.

You can check Allison game here if you managed to miss all the times I linked it.

Nerf Now!! 2453

You heard the girl guys, lets just forget the first panels ever happened ok? :)

Nerf Now!! 2454

I was ready to move on but the latest development of the Failout76 saga deserved its own strip.

The comic already explained it, the canvas bag of the collector edition has been replaced by a cheap nylon one. Bethesda claim «lack of available materials» as if canvas was Nepalese jade or something.

It's hard to know who screwed up this time, Bethesda by not properly specifying the material to the producer or some supplier failing to provide the materials but the final consumer shouldn't be the one being affected, and when I say «shouldn't» I say this sounds pretty illegal. I can't sell diamonds on later deliver glass and say sorry.

The best part is, after a half-assed apology Bethesda decided to give a store credit of 500 atoms (5 dollars) for all collectors edition buyers. Jesus Christ Bethesda, those atoms cost you nothing and can only be used to buy cosmetics, you could at least tried to make your apology sound sincere.

I am starting to believe Bethesda may be bankrupt and 76 was a desperate attempt to gather any kind of money to keep afloat.

Nerf Now!! 2455

The hardest part of this comic was doing it without being (too) gross.

The original idea involved Morgan, raining coats and bodily fluids but I decided it was too much for a family friendly comic.

Nerf Now!! 2456

Simmiland is an indie «god» game.

Is the game good? Well, if you miss the genre the game is cheap and charming but make no mistake: this one is kind shallow and you'll probably figure most of it after a few plays. Also, I found my fair share of bugs.

Still, I had my fun answering my followers request for snakes and poison herbs just to die from it. Suddenly you understand the whole Egypt plague thing… God just got fed up with humanity's stupidity.

Nerf Now!! 2457

The video… you can judge by yourself.

And as an (ex) Dota player, I always get surprised by how spammy LoL combat is and how little damage the abilities do. In Dota you pretty much kill people in one rotation of spells, especially if 2 or more people are involved in the combat.

Nerf Now!! 2458

Good news, Bethesda solved the canvas shortage and decided to deliver the promised bags.

Bad news, they seen to had some bug on their canvas bag request form who was sending people's personal info to random consumers in the list.


At this point, I expect the game to delete system.32 and the game case to be radioactive.

Nerf Now!! 2459

I was pure once, playing with cool dinosaurs in my mono-green deck.

Than Teferi happened… bouncing my cards back, countering my spells than doing some disgusting stuff which involved more steps than I was bothered to track.

This is why we can't have nice things, like a mono-green deck with big dinosaurs.

But at least now I can kill Teferi in 3 different ways…

Nerf Now!! 2460

Theoretically a real contender for Steam may generate cheaper products but I'm skeptical. Right now Epic has a pretty aggressive campaign going to bring on more buyers and they have deep pockets thanks to Fortnite and the Unreal engine but again… I'm skeptical.

I installed it (free Subnautica!) but I'm not leaving Steam and honestly, the idea of adding yet another launcher doesn't appeal to me.

If you are an indie, however, Epic deal seen sweeter than Steam, especially given Steam changed their deal to charge less from big titles who sell a lot.

However, unless Epic Game Store offers some tangible advantage in the long run outside the free games I'll stick with Steam.

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