Nerd Rage 0241 - 0250 (H)
Nerd Rage 0241


Nintendo has announced a new Metroid game. Those space marines really know how to get it done.

Nerd Rage 0242


«Come on! Do it! I'm here! Do it! Do it now! FINISH ME!»

The Predator being in Mortal Kombat X has some…interesting…implications.

Nerd Rage 0244


This week's comic is in memory of Satoru Iwata. Corporate president, programmer, and gamer.

I normally try to keep Nerd Rage comedy-related, but under these circumstances I felt something a little more serious was necessary. Mr. Iwata was not just a CEO, he paid his time as a programmer at HAL and was someone most Nintendo fans came to know and recognize as the host of the Nintendo Direct events.

My heart goes out to his family and the people Nintendo. This has been a great loss.

Nerd Rage 0246


Nothing shifty at all about Celadon City's Game Corner! Just a playground for grown-ups!

Nerd Rage 0247


Elliott discovers the challenges and rewards of being a hardworking adult.

Nerd Rage 0248


Elliott is really, really, really excited for the new Digimon series.

Nerd Rage 0249


On the other hand, if you're looking for 'Summerween' decorations, it's the perfect time of year.

Nerd Rage 0250


Attack on Titan: Junior High? No! We must go deeper!

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