Nerd Rage 0301 - 0310 (D)
Nerd Rage 0301


C'mon, Samus, like Nintendo would really forget about Metroid?

Despite some unfortunate circumstances for Samus Aran, Metroid Prime: Federation Force is out this week! And while the game received a lot unwarranted flak, I'm having a lot a blast playing it with a friend.

Nerd Rage 0302


Be mindful of your teammates when tracking wyverns out in the field.

Nerd Rage 0303


In memory of Dizzy's Dungeon. Gone from our lives but not from our–wait, what?

Dig back into Nerd Rage's history with this story arc, and then this one too, cause this week we're celebrating 300 comics! 300! 300 comics! Where has the time gone?!

Nerd Rage wouldn't have come this far without all you. Thanks!

Nerd Rage 0304


Mario and his friends are adding a whole new sport to the mix!

The newest outting, Mario Sports Superstars, features five sports: soccer, baseball, tennis, golf and horse racing.

Nerd Rage 0305
Nerd Rage 0306


Even with strict conservation efforts, it's unlikely future generations will get to see this one.

Nerd Rage 0307


We really need to talk about drinking responsibly on these hunts.

And for more team critique, be sure to read my previous Monster Hunter comic!

Nerd Rage 0308


Two legs bad! Except for, like, Charizard.

With the newest Pokemon Sun & Moon trailer we have our first look at what the starter Pokemon evolve into. You can exhale in relief, internet, Litten has yet to start walking around and punching things.

Nerd Rage 0309


They're waaay more impressive than the toys of yesterday.

Nerd Rage 0310


The Walking Dead returns for season 7. Rick, are you ready for another character to die?

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