This version (2022/03/16 18:52 ) is a draft.Anonimous)
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The Previously approved version (2021/09/13 14:56) is available.Diff
Freefall 2506

A meeting of the mechanical minds

Let me simplify. Can a. Normally functioning. Robot. Using Dr. Bowman's. Neural design. Intentionally. Harm a human?
Only if it will prevent greater harm to other humans.
Who decides. Greater harm? What is to stop. Majority humans. From turning us. Against. Minority humans? Harm. Does not have. To be. Direct. We could be. Ordered. Not to assist. A group. Economically.
Remove robots. From the equation. And you remove. The problem.
What is it about economics and treating everything as numbers that makes some people so cheerfully sociopathic?

Color by George Peterson

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