TAG: Harvest Moon

2021/05/24 10:30   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0279 Stamena harvest_moon I made the terrible mistake of starting a new Harvest Moon: a Wonderful Life file. Every few years I remember thi…
2021/05/24 10:30   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0282 Chicken Chuckin' harvest_moon Did you know that ducks don't lay eggs? As long as you have ducks, your chicken eggs just have a chance o…
2021/05/24 10:30   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0288 Barn-Crazing (Part 1) harvest_moon I got to the end of year four in A Wonderful Life and I…I just can't do it, guys. I can't play a gam…
2021/05/24 10:29   AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0289 Barn-Crazing (Part 2) harvest_moon I keep getting really mad about this game but it just boils down to a dumb anime farm.