Dinosaur Comics 3681 - 3690 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 3681

Technically the entire job of historians is to repeat history

Dinosaur Comics 3682

Baby there's a bit more to it than that, my friend / it depends on whether your intake pipe is rigid or bends

Dinosaur Comics 3683

What do you think: physics? is it physics you need to study to build a machine that skips across the very seas of causality itself??

Dinosaur Comics 3684

One must NEVER accept any argument from authority… unless it's batman. then it's probably fine. all philosophers agree that it's probably definitely fine

Dinosaur Comics 3685


Dinosaur Comics 3686

It means procrastinate for two days. honestly, i had intended to give a more detailed definition of the word in two days, but then i decided to perendinate EVEN HARDER about it

Dinosaur Comics 3687

As all students of literature know, the fine and signature flourish of this author is that all his protagonists have access to one or more jetpacks. while some have dismissed it as a «quirk», most critics agree: it definitely rules

Dinosaur Comics 3688

See you next year!! or, dare I say… next year i'll see you??

Dinosaur Comics 3689

«New year new me» for a regular year, «new year same me» for a hard year, «old year same me» for a time-loop groundhog day scenario, and «old year new me» for the final loop of a time-loop groundhog day scenario in which i have finally achieved enough personal growth to escape

Dinosaur Comics 3690

This one goes out to bean dad, who i intend to completely forget starting right… now. attention future generations reading this comic: a) thank you, and b) you're not missing anything regarding the dad of beans I SWEAR

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