Dinosaur Comics 2821 - 2830 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 2821
Dinosaur Comics 2822
Dinosaur Comics 2823

Sure, maybe the last invention we ever make is the holodeck. or maybe, just MAYBE, it's the ability to communicate the entirety of our experience through n00dz??

Dinosaur Comics 2824

All the Woman Petes in the audience are frowning right now, they come here to dromiceiomim.us to get AWAY from this sort of baloney

Dinosaur Comics 2825

Yes, it IS technically possible for two B.O.D.I.E.S. and B.R.A.I.N.S. to produce modified copies of themselves, reproducing out of control until they take over the planet, but we're reasonably confident that it won't happen

Dinosaur Comics 2826

For i too was just renewing my subscription to all the magazines that smart people subscribe to

Dinosaur Comics 2827

Jays (or «J»s) get bonus points for being named after a letter in the first place. Jay, I hope you can meet your Kay someday. JK.

Dinosaur Comics 2828

You can also combine nouns if you want. this allows your problem to be a «bicycle god» or a «skeleton secret», both of which sound like pretty fun problems to have honestly

Dinosaur Comics 2829

EXCUSE ME for making STAR TREK accessible to casual fans!! Maybe if someone did the same thing for Star Wars I wouldn't spend all my time saying things like «What economic systems would permit the Empire to build a second Death Star in only a few years when the first one took decades»? I'M WAITING, NERDS. I'M WAITING, NERDS WHO LIKE A NERDY THING THAT IS SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE NERDY THING I LIKE

Dinosaur Comics 2830

Before you say «jurassic park wouldn't be better without humans» realize you're saying that you WOULDN'T be into a story in which dinosaurs genetically engineer dinosaurs but then dinosaurs escape so dinosaurs start hunting dinosaurs but in the end most of the dinosaurs are killed by dinosaurs before a few dinosaurs escape via FRIGGIN' HELICOPTER

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