Dinosaur Comics 2291 - 2300 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 2291

We MUST ensure that easily-confused future generations think we were way awesome

Dinosaur Comics 2292

That last panel takes place in a museum where t-rex is either a photograph, sculpture, or hologram. let's say hologram. that's the most futuretastically futurelicious of our options.

Dinosaur Comics 2293

The story actually never specifies the magic mirror rhyme limitation, but i'm being conservative in my estimate of its abilities. it remains possible that there is no such limitation, and the queen just has a wicked flow

Dinosaur Comics 2294

T-rex my friend sometimes you are not so good at last panels

Dinosaur Comics 2295

Alternate ending: On our boat, the sails and sailors alike are… /square/. alternate ending: On our boat, the sails and sailors alike are… /imported from Germany/. alternate ending: On our boat, the sails and sailors alike are… /hung from the mast, bleaching slowly in the scorching sun/.

Dinosaur Comics 2296

There is no better idea than the idea that our bodies are just sacks of blood under tremendously high pressure

Dinosaur Comics 2297

High seas high is also OF COURSE the name of a boat stoner comedy. science has LONG ago proven that all genres are vastly improved by adding «boat» in front of them, witness: boat romance, boat action, boat found footage

Dinosaur Comics 2298

This comic was composed while missing a yesterday

Dinosaur Comics 2299

REAL ANSWER: it's because a single giant city-sized bacterium can feed thousands and tastes so good

Dinosaur Comics 2300

Yes my friends, today IS indeed the very first time «hedonistic» and «syntax» have been used in the same sentence… on this website.

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