RU / Dinosaur Comics 0681 - 0690 (H)
Dinosaur Comics 0681

What you don't see in the next panel is where the raccoons and cephalopods all stop laughing at the same time, cock their heads slightly, and turn to stare at t-rex

Dinosaur Comics 0682


Dinosaur Comics 0683

T-rex has gotten the idea that what debt collection agencies do is «try to get people to buy them a big ol lunch», which, when you think about it, isnt actually what they do at all. lets be serious about this, t-rex. come on.

Dinosaur Comics 0684

The alternate ending has t-rex in panel 5 asking utahraptor to tell him something exciting so he can use the expression, and utahraptor says he was at a party last night where some people were doing cocaine in the corner, and t-rex really doesnt know what to say to that. he imagines he would feel uncomfortable in such a situation, but would try to pretend like he was cool with it, like he didnt even care.

Dinosaur Comics 0685

The only way to defeat these robot clones will be to trap them in a logical contradiction, which, as robots, they are supremely under-equipped to handle. its like what happens if you ask a regular person to assemble a car out of its constituent parts. they just fall to the ground, twitching! were really from two different worlds, i think.

Dinosaur Comics 0686

Christmas is saved!!

Dinosaur Comics 0687

T-rexs father is an enigma dipped in a few crazysauce predictions

Dinosaur Comics 0688


Dinosaur Comics 0689

Guys i am seriously so sick of gardens of regret right now

Dinosaur Comics 0690

I for one would like to register disappointment with every aspect of these discount oven fries?

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