Nerf Now!! 2731 - 2740 (H)
Nerf Now!! 2731

Having a Monster Hunter movie poster without you know, a iconic monster like Rathalos is all I need to know this monster is now made for me.

I expect a «normie» movie for your average joe. Basically a Sonic movie but without Jim Carey humor or Sonic cuteness.

Talking about cuteness… in an age where both Detective Pikachu and Sonic were huge success you think having cute cats doing silly things would be a given but I doubt this movie will give me anything but woody acting and a brain-dead plot.

Nerf Now!! 2732

Nothing against Brawlhalla, it's a fine game if you want to have the Smash experience on PC but let just say being featured there isn't the same of being on Smash Ultimate.

This said, Smash Ultimate isn't on PC and beggar can't be choosers so give it a peek if you want to smash people on bottomless pits.

Nerf Now!! 2733

I played Pay Day 2 and I think I can take a joke or two from it but I had this joke written already so I decided to just go with it before I forget it.

8 cases of the virus on my country so maybe I should start taking some basic precautions like not licking door handles and stuff.

Nerf Now!! 2734

I don't like either «crime» games or stealth games and yet I've been enjoying Payday 2.

Why I'm playing the game now? A good buddy told me about the game and I jokinhgly said «sorry, it doesn't seen the kind of game I would enjoy but if there is a minigun there I will play it».

Figures there IS a minigun in the game so I played and enjoyed it, thou I prefer to just do stealth mission with him so I never uses the minigun I love so much.

I play with Jiro using a full ninja gear with shurikens and katanas because weeb.

Nerf Now!! 2735


For those you haven't played Payday 2, imagine your normal stealth game with guards and cameras where you need to reach a infiltrate a certain building. A bank, a military base, a casino… and once you are there you need to reach the valuables.

The thing is, the valuables are never a jewel, or a usb-stick. They are usually a crates of weapons, server racks or big bags of moneys. Focus on plural, since there are multiple of those and after you managed to get inside you need to now to get out, then go back again and do it multiple times until you moved all the loot.

It's harder than it looks because most missions won't allow you to eliminate all the guards so there is some tension in moving the goods but hard or easy, there is a good deal of the game which is basically you moving your stolen goods to the escape area.

p.s. You can unlock some closer delivery areas but you still have lots of legwork in moving all the stuff.

Nerf Now!! 2736

And if it's not clear enough, the Good Idea Fairy doesn't give good advice.

Nerf Now!! 2737

I took my time to actually write my grievances with lots of modern media in Morgan bubble but made it small enough so most will not be able to read it and risk the chance of being offended.

Nerf Now!! 2738

Wanted to upload this on Friday but I was not feeling too well and had to delay it a bit.

No, it's not the virus. Sadly there are still several ways for the human body to fail outside the trendy one.

Nerf Now!! 2739

He got unlucky thou, if his magic find was higher it would have hand sanitizers.

Nerf Now!! 2740

For those curious, the game is Oxygen Not Included.

I almost made a joke about how my future confinement would be not much different from my day-to-day life but I found this too obvious of a joke which probably been already made 10 times on facebook and twitter by the time I'd uploaded this.

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