Nerf Now!! 2711 - 2720 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2711
I personally like game Geralt more but it's not like he is my husbando so I can see why some people would prefer the TV one.
However, game Triss best Triss. This is not an opinion but a FACT and since it's my birthday you guys need to agree with me.
Yennefer? Who cares, amirite? :)
Nerf Now!! 2712
Nerf Now!! 2713
I'll not bash what is by now moderm gaming staples like bugs and predatory EULAs because those assume I am interest in the game to start.
I played the hell of the original Warcraft III, the game was a perfect storm of being far better than whatever was on the shelves, affordable, low spec (my computer was shitty) yet good looking and full of content. You played the campaign, the ladder, custom games or in my case, 1 vs 3 games vs AI. Suffice to say I have a fond spot on the game in my heart and the only game I played more is TF2.
So when I saw the new game I was disappointed, not because of bugs or whatever but because has someone who played the hell of the original the game just didn't look the same. I'm sure people who never played the original will not care and even think the new one is better but for me it looks like a chinese knock-off.
I just have this feeling nobody who played or worked the original was part of the project. I mean, it's obviously Warcraft III but like it was made by some robot who may technical skills but without a ounce of heart.
Nerf Now!! 2714
As a non-american I was unsure if I should use «midget», «dwarf», «little people» or even «vertically challenged». For me «vertically challenged» sound the most offensive because sound like I'm subtly mocking them.
Decided to pick dwarf because it's the shorter term and I'm sure I'll offend anyone anyway. This said I always think of the fantasy race when I say «dwarf».
Nerf Now!! 2715
Now, I'm exaggerating a tiny bit. I know emulation is a thing but my point stands… keeping all those physical media is a bother and having an unpatched collection of old games stashed on the attic isn't exactly handy.
Even if I had my old copy of, say, Heroes of Might and Magic II I'd rather buy it again on GOG just to have it neatly emulated and patched without the hassle of trying to make the original run on my modern system.
In the same way, I'm sure all those DVDs of modern games will be equally obsolete in the future and it will be far easier to just re-buy it digitally to run it on your brain-chip or something.
But hey, if you believe digital isn't reliable hold your physical copies tight… if war and disease ravages the world and society collapse you may have the last click.
Nerf Now!! 2716
You know, I had no idea the game was not released on Steam and I guess it's not on Epic store either.
I believe whoever wanted to buy the game already did it and those who were on the fence probably changed their mind after all the bad press so this release is kind of a dud for me.
But I'm sure some people will see the name «Fallout» on Steam front page and buy it. I don't know how much it costs to put a game on Steam but perhaps Bethesda will at least recover their costs.
I believe the game now is better than at launch but at least for me, the main issue of the game always been the basic idea of an online Fallout game is flawed and the core gameplay loop is boring. However I'm not a 3d Fallout fan so I'm not part of the public anyway.
Nerf Now!! 2717
I don't buy Early Access products anymore because I usually get fed up of the game while playing the incomplete version and never touch the finished product so I just wait for the complete experience so having the game launch early on Epic for me works like an extended beta test and I pick the complete game 1 year later on Steam.
However, with Epic money already on the purses and the financial success of the game all but warranted I feel some companies lose their teeth.
I'm not saying depending on having the pressure of launch to be successful or even to survive as a company is healthy but it is seen to sometimes keep people focused.
By the way, this is NOT the case of Hades but I think it IS what happened with Phoenix Point.
Nerf Now!! 2718
As an artist I like (or should I say, I need) to keep an eye on how society change. I don't want to be «that guy» making gay jokes in 2020 and be confused about why kids those days don't get my humor.
For a while games been getting more conservative. I am not saying Overwatch's Widowmaker doesn't exist but stuff like that is sprinkled around, not the whole package.
So, as classic characters like Lara Craft turning modest and newer characters have multiple layers of clothing I started to ponder maybe this is the future and the newer generations will want deep, complex characters that come in all shapes and forms. Maybe.
Or maybe not? This weekend I dabbled in the world of mobile gacha gaming and oh wow, it's like all lewd of the industry took refuge in a single segment.
Now, the fact gacha is the place where fanservice runs free tells a lot about fanservice in particular. They would put pictures of dead kittens in the game if this was legal and what people wanted to see so I know they are going for whatever trick open people's wallets, morality be dammed.
Still, I can't deny they are giving what people want, not what some activist on social media says is good and brave, probably because based on data and experience they know what sells and what doesn't. It's not to say it's just tits and ass… you have knights, dragons and mechas, but whatever it is, it looks good.
Which moves us back to non-mobile gacha games where everything is more clean, proper and often of divisive aesthetic value? Don't those AAA game companies want sales too? They do but the big league is different from mobile. Mobile I feel has less prestige and less tradition. Mobile games are cheap (or even free) and seen like cash-grabs. You go there, you make the game and you push it down the throat of the whales as hard as you can. People aren't aiming for the Game Awards or a nice article on some Game Blog. Basically, I believe AAA companies feel they don't need to do something oh-my-so appealing, especially in a connected age where everybody will share your work online. Mobile gacha games studios, however, have no reputation to lose and therefore don't give a FUCK and give what people want.
So do I! So if you want to appreciate some gacha-like art you can do so in my Patreon.
Nerf Now!! 2719
I think both Anthem and Fallout 76 are in a terrible place but bad as they may be, 76 still has the Fallout brand attached to it and some people will endure the game drawbacks to savor it.
Anthem may be technically a better game but lost its chance to catch the gamer's interest and I feel it just fell out of people's memories and it can't even be a meme about how bad it is because 76 took that spot already. Even if the game pulls a «Final Fantasy Reborn» they still need to compete with Destiny 2, Warframe and The Resistance.
Let me put this way: I think 76 has a better chance to bring profits than Anthem… assuming the game doesn't steal people's passwords and release it on the web. It's 76 after all.
Nerf Now!! 2720
Let me get this out of the way. Gachas gameplay is usually grindy and shallow and yes and yes, they go deep on the sexy appeal to a point it may repulse some people.
With this out of the way, it's one of the few places I found where the community actually talks about the game and are fairly happy with it. It been a long time since I found a game where people want to talk about the game (or their favorite waifus) instead of complain about the political stance of the developer.
Not to say this doesn't happen on some other games. Warframe and Path of Exile seen to have pretty solid communities which talk about the game too so you don't need to play a gacha for that perks.
However I don't enjoy Warframe or Path of Exile (for different reasons, they are fine games) and at least for now I been having fun collecting weird gun-girls in Girls Frontline.
p.s. I'm not being paid for this. I wish I was but I'm not, blame people on my Discord for pulling me into this. :)