Nerf Now!! 2231 - 2240 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2231

Xmas is over but this comic is like the xmas dinner, there is always leftovers for the next day. :)

Nerf Now!! 2232

I don't know what you guys are talking abot the lack of Maggie, she is always there. :)

Started playing Terra Tech and already made some mining monstrosities like this one. Angie would probably dig this kind of game.

Nerf Now!! 2233

I put the xmas uniform there just to give you guys something to complain, thou looking behind maybe halloween outfits would be better for maximum effect.

Been practicing SFV but don't raise your hopes, I'm a filthy Abigail picker because fuck combos, let me poke you to death with long range high damage punches.

Nerf Now!! 2234

Terra Tech is fun but sadly I did pretty much what I wanted on that game. Surely I haven't done everything but right now the game needs a bit more content.

Outside content, I wish the game had room for different kind of vehicles because right now going big is usually the best way.

Surely, a smaller mining truck works better than a humongous one by moving faster and being more nimble but eventually you'll be attacked by enemy vehicles and you wish you had your behemot with 30 guns.

There is also the issue the game gives you crafting (which is pretty interesting with factories and refineries) but it's just easier to destroy enemy vehicles and collect their parts, with the bonus you can even collect parts you can't craft yet like those juicy big battery packs.

Also, after you make your first Doomtank you are pretty much done. You could always grow bigger but for me at least there was no challege left. Perhaps a dangerous biome to cross or a bigger goal like Factorio's «build a spaceship» would keep me going but without it I see no point.

Still, even if I don't play it anymore I had my fair share of fun and I may even go back there from time to time to craft some bizarre vehicle for funsies.

Nerf Now!! 2235

Outside the useful blocks like guns, radars and wheels Terra Tech also give you some silly props like rabbit bunnies and giant turkeys which serve no purpose outside taking room and being silly.

I see no purpose for those silly props when I could jam more guns but I'm some grumpy pants. Perhaps I need a bit more of Maggie in my life.

Nerf Now!! 2236

Angie is not sure what she did wrong when she raised that kid…

I'm surprised with how much strips I got from Terra Tech, even featuring fan favorites like Alek, it's the gift which keeps on giving. Being about machines helps thou… not all games open themselves so easily to create jokes, or at least jokes which are not about raging towards your teammates.

By the way. I wish I knew the numbers of Destiny 2. I have this hunch the game may be leaking players but I want some solid data on it.

By the way, I started updating my Patreon with some stuff I had planned for Nerf NOW!! and never released for one reason or another.

Oh, and happy 2018.

Nerf Now!! 2237

Creating the whole bar thing was a big detour I had to take but comics like that made me happy I did otherwise people would be asking what Tobjorn and a TechPriest are doing on Angie room.

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