Nerf-now 2201 - 2210 (D)
Nerf Now!! 2201
Ok, you guys got your yearly dose of Alek, she'll be back mid 2018. :)
Looks like EA pissed of people with their business tactics as usual. Companies being greedy don't make me mad anymore since I kind expect it at this point, but trying some PR bullshit talk about how their greedy is actually enhancing my gameplay is a slap on my face.
EA, pliss…
Nerf Now!! 2202
There is nothing for me to add to the debate about Star Wars Battlefront which hasn't be said already.
Microtransactions on AAA games are bad and you should talk with your wallet otherwise the knife will only go deeper and deeper.
Still, I feel this was not the last we heard about EA and it's greedy tactics.
Nerf Now!! 2203
There is a mobile version of Lineage and looks like they paid tons of streamers to stream their game.
Now, this is common and I'm all for people selling out because money is both short and necessary.
I'm not shitting on Lineage mobile, it may even be a good MMORPG, ignoring the obvious issues of being a free 2 play mobile game but let's call a spade a spade, you could be playing Destiny 2, World of Warcraft, Tera or whatever if you want to itch your grindy itch.
To be honest I'm yet to see a streamer praise Lineage mobile has their favorite game, but I know many of them who brag about picking only games they enjoy to stream and it's hard to swallow it when it's an auto-play grindy mobile game.
Shame on you guys, shame on you!
p.s. Sponsor me! :P
Nerf Now!! 2204
Nerf Now!! 2205
It's funny how cosmetics turned into such a big thing in gaming. I know some people don't care but for some, having his fighter / castle / ship pimped is a core part of the game.
While Street Fighter is nowhere near Dead or Alive levels of lewd, I always check the new costumes gallery for the obligatory fanservice ones.
If I played Street Fighter however, my first cosmetic buy would be some skin to cover up Abigail ugly face. Jesus christ, he is ugly.
Nerf Now!! 2207
It's amazing what 3 seconds behind a wall makes with people's attention spam.
Not saying everybody is like that, and some heroes can't do much even if they know but sometimes the Wiston will just ignore the Genji on our back because he isn't shooting him in the face.
Nerf Now!! 2208
I agree with whoever said Elite Dangerous is like Flight Simulator in space, with guns.
It surely has it's slow moments, and a steep learning curve but if you always wanted to feel like it would be to explore space and believe will be dead before Space X to get us there this is the game for you. At it's core the game wants to give you a reasonably realistic experience of what is to fly a nice spaceship and how much you'll enjoy the game is based on how much you like this idea.
It's a nice VR experience too I heard but I can't confirm this since I don't own any VR myself.
It's on sale right now by the way.
No, this is not sponsored. :P
Nerf Now!! 2209
I know more than one person who play games while watching Netflix. Sure, it's a way to enjoy their day but if this is the case I'll simply skip for something else. From what I see grinding MMORPGs while watching series is a popular trend among my friends.
I'm guilty of constantly tabbing to read shit in between rounds on Overwatch but when the game starts I like it to be gamey enough to hold my attention.
Still, if the person enjoy their day doing that go for it, it's just not for me. :)
Nerf Now!! 2210
For those who don't get it, it's about this game.
I would never play this game but it's fun to watch streamers rage over it.
Bought Destiny 2 on the black friday sale but I'm yet to start it because I made the grave mistake of starting a game of Endless Space and you know how 4X games are… just learning the mechanics took me 2 restarts and just now on turn 100 of my 3rd game I learned how influence works.
Playing has Unfallen by the way, trying the peaceful conquest route but may taje the wonder (build 4 wonder buildings) because I have lead on tech and production to do so.