Старая ревизия
Nerd Rage 0351 - 0360
Nerd Rage 0351
Nerd Rage 0352
Nerd Rage 0354
Did you go out for out for an eclipse viewing this week? I hope you stayed safe!
While everyone else was cracking Avatar jokes, I was quick to reference Dracula's castle being sealed within it.
Interestingly, while this specific eclipse is never mentioned in the Castlevania canon, it's on the solar saros 145 cycle which would put the last eclipse in 1999 and the next one in 2035 (corresponding to the battle of 1999 when Dracula was sealed in the eclipse, and his return Aria of Sorrow respectively.)
Nerd Rage 0355
Nerd Rage 0356
Destiny Awaits
It's great Destiny 2 is coming to PC, but what about those who missed out on Destiny 1?
It's no secret that the original Destiny faced a troubled development. The game originally announced is completely different story from the game that Activision ultimately published. During the final months of development, they scrapped the original story. The game we received was cobbled together from the pieces.
One of the things Bungie proudly boasted during the pre-release period of Destiny 1 was that your character would carry over through all the Destiny games – a series planned to be part of a ten year cycle. Now that Destiny 2 is actually out all that my character really seems to carry over is the face I created at the beginning of Destiny 1 before promptly hiding behind a fancy space helmet.
A bigger issue for me is the closed ecosystems created by having three different platforms. Worse, one of those platforms (PC) is on a delayed release schedule. The best part of Destiny is the community you play with. Some of my friends wanted to play on PC, some want to stick with Playstation. My brother plays Xbox One. I understand that there are plenty of reasons to not include crossplatform gameplay, but just being able to transfer my progress between each version of the game would be welcomed feature.
C'mon, if you're going to make me buy it a couple times over, at least let me play it with one character.
Nerd Rage 0357
Samus's Training
Samus Aran needs to get back in shape. What challenges lie ahead?
In the event you've been living under a Zebesian space rock, Metroid: Samus Returns launches today. It's the first new game starring Samus since 2010's Metroid: Other M. It's been a long wait, to say the least.
Samus's time off has also been an ongoing joke for about as long as I've been writing these comics. In an ideal world I would have wrapped up this story before Samus finally returned to gaming! But Nerd Rage is a weekly, topical gag comic so I don't like to devote too many strips to ongoing stories and sometimes I like to focus on other news. Instead you'll have to wait around a bit longer to see where it goes.
(Hey, Prime 4 isn't here yet!)