Nerd Rage 0311 - 0320 (H)
Nerd Rage 0311


This year's group costume theme can't be beat. Happy Halloween!

Nerd Rage 0312


Be careful who you make fun of in middle school. Even if they're a seal that's into hip hop clowns.

Nerd Rage 0313
Nerd Rage 0314


The mayor's duties are never done…

It came as quite the surprise Nintendo was updating Animal Crossing: New Leaf three years after its release, even it's mostly a way to sell more Amiibo (and give the Animal Crossing set some meaningful functionality.)

It's just unfortunate that this release comes right before the newest Pokemon installment.

Nerd Rage 0315


Does Niantic really think this Pokemon Go event counts as Thanksgiving?

Nerd Rage 0316


In the Alola region, wild Pokemon can call other Pokemon to help them in battle. Some are better at it than others…

Nerd Rage 0317


Finally, something for all those extra Pokemon to do. You gotta keep 'em busy somehow!

Nerd Rage 0318


Get out of here milk, nobody needs you.

I wrote and drew this whole comic after almost pouring some eggnog over my cereal. I should have known better than to assume that 1.) a joke like this didn't already exist and 2.) The Simpsons was not responsible for it.

Nerd Rage 0319


You can't just bring home any old Christmas tree. You gotta pick one that speaks to you!

Happy Holidays, from Nerd Rage!

Nerd Rage 0320


In the Alola region, Exeggutor is just full of surprises!

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