GaMERCaT 0301 - 0310 (D)
GaMERCaT 0301
Clean Roll
Every time I play Katamari I think how awesome it would be to clean my house that way. But then I think about what I'd have to do with the ball of junk and it ruins the whole thing.
Thanks for your patience while I took my holiday vacation! I had a great time visiting my family. I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year's :)
GaMERCaT 0302
Disc Roulette
Everyone points out how poorly GaMERCaT treats his games, and I'm afraid he gets that from me. I'm not quite as bad as him, but I do swap discs all the time and it drives my friends nuts, particularly when it's time to clean up and we have to backtrack through the release order to find the proper discs.
GaMERCaT 0303
GaMERCaT 0304
GaMERCaT 0305
GaMERCaT 0306
GaMERCaT 0307
Remember Us
This is a literal depiction of what happened to me when I started Spyro 2 in Reignited.
I had a lot of trouble with the transition from 2D to 3D games. Everyone else seemed to think the graphics were amazing, but I found most models creepy. I think I've repressed most of them at this point, so looking back is always a bit startling.