AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0371 - 0380 (H)

Mislead the Way

Bravely Default is a game where the constant, salient interjection of «maybe this is a bad idea» is repeatedly met with a resounding «meh.»

I hope you read BATTLE DOG, because it is a super cute and super rad comic by Andrew Duff and Matt Cummings! It just finished its first year, so now is a good opportunity to jump in if you're new to it. And oh my dang what good timing because OOPS I DID SOME GUEST COMICS THAT ARE RUNNING THROUGH NEXT WEEK WHAT A COINCIDENCE FOR THIS PARAGRAPH


Grudge Match

Okay, I had a couple before-the-game-comes-out Smash Bros comics I wanted to make, but I got confused about the release schedule and about how many weeks are in a month, so let's just pretend the game isn't already out in Japan, we haven't known the full roster for months, and it's still appropriate to make semi-prophetic speculative comics. Let's do that!

Ridley is kind of the only Nintendo villain who's ever done anything really awful – Bowser's a jerk and Ganondorf tends to make everyone anxious for a while, but both are still probably easily forgiven.

Master Hand is the one who gets the final decision on who stays and who goes, but there's still a junior committee for scoping out potential fighters. They don't tend to get much done, though.

I'll have you know there is a rich and textured lore to this.


New Neighbor

It may seem like a tiny little sacrificial containment cask now, but if you save up enough a raccoon can build you a second floor.


24-Hour Comic 2014

Welcome to 24-Hour Comic Day 2014, wherein Katie realizes she spends way too much time thinking about kittens.


The Beautiful People

Marth and Roy stuck out pretty hard in SSB: Melee – they were two weird anime dudes who spoke Japanese in a game where I at least had a passing idea of who everyone else was, and they didn't even look like they belonged next to any of the other characters.

I kind of forgot about how weird that seemed once I got into Fire Emblem and other series with that kind of aesthetic, and more anime babes and babettes have been trickling into Smash Bros since. If you take a step back and realize a lot of people are not familiar with a lot of those games, though, I guess it's about as bizarre as the inexplicable human characters that were in Mario Golf 64 for some reason.

On a side note, Link has been undergoing a slow, tragic mutation into an expressionless anime elfman for years and I'm afraid it's terminal.


Weight Here

Ico is a game about not killing your friend.


Fired Emblem (Часть 1)

Ah hah hah, I had intended for this series of strips to come out before Smash Bros 3DS did. OOPS I am not at all good at reading a calendar! Ha ha! I guess we'll pretend that this is about Smash Bros Wii U and definitely still cool.

YOU MAY REMEMBER that a few months ago Awkward Zombie was added to Comic Chameleon, a super cool webcomic-reading app for your iPhone! If you were sad at the time because you like using your Android device instead, then HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU: those people are doing a Kickstarter to develop an Android version of the app! Wowza!!
Even if you have been happily using the iPhone version, you probably want to give this thing a look because there are some things you might be interested in too. There's even a pledge level where you can get a sketch from YOURS TRULY (ME)! WHAT AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYONE, WOW


Fired Emblem (Часть 2)

I drew this back when the final Smash Bro roster had only just been leaked, but now that everyone knows Dark Pit is in the game this joke might be too predictable. Oh welllllllll


Fired Emblem (Часть 3)

I can definitely see Peach as the kind of person who takes a trophy from every kill.


Aggressor Layton

Professor Layton's lifeforce simply cannot be sustained by the puzzles of this Earth.

Norrin wrote this comic. I can't believe it!

Congratulations to the Comic Chameleon Kickstarter, which has met its goal! There are still three days left in the campaign, and stretch goals are in sight, so if you haven't backed it yet you still have a chance to do that. We've also bumped up the backer limit on my sketch tier, so maybe I will draw a thing…for YOU?!

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