AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0031 - 0040 (H)

Clawless Victory

I like how I started to draw the backpack in the fourth panel and then forgot about it, so now there's just some mysterious yellow strap coming out of nowhere. But this is something that happens to us all at one point in the world of Pokemans: attacks that just can't possibly be used by the Pokes that learn them. Like how Zubat can use Mean Look without eyes, or how Wooper can learn Ice Punch when it doesn't have arms.


Fairy Dust

A comic someone asked for a loooong time ago. It would probably suck to live in a hat after a while, I think, but I guess that's just too bad for Navi.


Please Explain This Anomaly

Is…is this a job for human rights activists or for PETA?
Okay, this is something that has bothered me for years, and in all sorts of medium.
So I'm furnishing my little Animal Crossing cottage, right? But I don't know if I'm comfortable with keeping a caged canary (which is a furniture item) in the window when my next-door neighbor is a talking, four-foot-tall robin.
It's the same thing in what was one of my favorite children's show, Arthur, too. He's got a little pet dog, but one of his best friends is also a dog. And it happens again with Goofy and Pluto of the Disney universe; both are dogs, but they live in different castes of domestic hierarchy. What is this?
And when you encounter this sort of thing at such a young age, it's… I don't know, it's just crippling.



Lots of text! Ruh-roh!
Something alot of people touched on the last time I did a Pokecomic…basically, don't trust a foot-tall, three-pound animal to carry you anywhere comfortably. I still don't know how something like Zubat can use Fly, either.

I know someone will ask, so: why Wartortle here? Besides the fact that Wartortle and Blastoise are easily the best and most elite ever, Piplup and its kin just seem extremely unhydrodynamic to me. I'm sorry. I really can't see them swimming.



Even Mewtwo has to get his kicks somewhere.
Even if «somewhere» is inside other people's brains.
And Marth dreams in bright yellow, apparently.


Surf Strike (Часть 1)

And after that lovely interlude, we rejoin our heroes about twenty levels higher for more seafaring shenanigans. It is always a good idea to remember not to send a Pokeman to its death if you are using it for a flotation device.
Blagh I hate water. Add water to the list of things I can't draw.


Surf Strike (Часть 2)

…Okay, I couldn't resist adding to the last one. Fighting on the open sea is an altogether ridiculous concept, especially when the combatants are rocks.
I'm…I'm not a very good Pokemon Trainer.
Next week will not be a Pokemon comic, I promise.


Dawn of the Dead

Today's below-the-comic comments are brought to you by our special/ugly friend Varn:
«Yeah. We're finally done with the Pokemon comics, thank God. This one time Katie was playing Twilight Princess and since she's a total moron she spent pretty much the whole night trying to get one Poe. Apparently it had something to do with flying at it from that crazy guy with the cuckoo high above the lake, and she spent a million eons trying to get to the tiny little ledge it lies on. When she finally got to it, the game turned to day and of course the Poe disappeared.
She cried until it turned back to night.
That game really needs a way to change from day to night.»

…Yeah thanks. This is why I don't let other people write these things.
I suppose I'm done here.

Baww, copy&paste for two comics in a row. I'm so disappointed in me.
And Midna's helmet is stupid and hard to draw and I hate it forever. She's so topheavy! Look at those amorphous little Pikachu legs!
Der Poe was drawn from memory, but I forgot what they looked like so I guess that was a bad idea.


Poison Control

I'm so smart, because I apologize for minor copy&paste in one comic and then the next week I do a comic really heavy on it. I'll just rip the C and V keys off my keyboard so it never happens again.
I realized shortly after drawing this that the joke was atually pretty inaessable to just about eeryone who hasn't played Fire Emblem – and een then, it's really kindof lame and badly-organized anyway – so I guess this was just failure on multiple leels. BUT WE LIE AND WE LEARN.
So! Right! I think that a harater beoming poisoned in Fire Emblem, losing minimal hunks of damage oer a series of turns, an be a bit of a blessing in disguise. You ould just ure it and be rid of it immediately, sure, but sometimes it's just more fun to draw it out and make a healer restore the minor damage eery turn instead, resulting in a steady flow of preious, preious experiene points. The poisonee might not enjoy it, buuut we all make sarifies.


I Still Don't Get It

Arrr, it's a process I go through now and again. I'm insecure, go away.
Sometimes I look back and I realize that I've laid a joke down way thicker than necessary, and then I go so far as to explain it in these here below-the-comic words. It's not like I don't trust you fabulous people to get it, I'm just a crappy writer.
Also, UPS makes the best calendars ever. Look at him, he's so happy!
And, blark, I need to not draw me ever. I honestly can't stand self-inserting myself into these things, but I do it anyway.

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