AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0501 - 0510 (D)

Safety First

Big Boss can take down anyone, as long as there isn't a thin sheet of plexiglass in the way.



It must be tough to be a huge muscles man living in a world designed for waifish anime boys.

FELLOW WISCONSINITES: I will be at No Brand Con in the Wisconsin Dells from April 21-23! COME ON DOWN WHILE THE HIGH FIVES ARE STILL FRESH


Gravity Is Not a Pacifist

As long as I pressed the Non-Lethal button, I can't be held accountable for any non-non-lethal consequences.


Investment Bonking

I have tricked you – you thought I was going to draw a comic about a Zelda game, but I have cleverly drawn a comic about a different Zelda game. (I drew this before Breath of the Wild came out, when I was revisiting Twilight Princess HD.)

In a world where you can turn over any rock and find a dollar, I don't know why anyone even attempts the facade of a currency-based economy.


Pocket Medic

Sometimes you just don't want to waste a critter cage.

(I think you'll find that Quiet is actually very bad at first aid.)


Wild Streak

I am in the habit, when dropped into a new area in a game, of turning around and investigating the dead end behind my starting point, as you are sometimes rewarded with some small thing for doing so.

I tried doing this when I started Breath of the Wild – as soon as I exited that cave and saw the obvious path forward, I did what I always do and turned 180° around to search for treats. I climbed over a small hill, and, rather than the blue rupee and artificial boundary I was expecting, was met with a sweeping meadow and forest in all directions, with nothing to prevent me from just fricking off into a random direction before even starting the game proper. At this point, I realized the magnitude of what this game was going to do (and is still doing) to my brain.

Reminder that I will be at No Brand Con in the Wisconsin Dells next weekend! I look forward to seeing you there!!



I feel like maybe it kind of cheapens the impact of that whole part of Snake's character arc to bring the bandana back as a fun reference, but, on the other hand, what a fun reference!



I think the later games may have actually made this harder to inflict on yourself, but I'm always very afraid of getting right to the plot-related items in an investigation and then being plot-whisked away from the scene before having a chance to poke around at everything else.

I know the game would never do that in a way that would make you lose out on something actually critical to completing the game, but what if I missed a single line of dialog by not looking at that potted plant?!


Missing Link

«…Into the ocean.»

The nightmare is over: I have finally drawn all of my comics about Big Boss. Now we can move on to comics about Big Boss.

The hard part about releasing a game in 2015 set in 1984 that's a prequel to a game released in 1987 and set in 1995 while yet itself a sequel to several games set further in the past is that you've bracketed yourself into a narrow band of available technology. I love that Kojima couldn't help himself from putting iPhones and Gundams into MGSV, and then I guess all of the futuristic scifi eighties stuff exploded before the events of the original Metal Gear and they all had to go back to using radios.


Teeth Soup

I'll be out of town this weekend, so here is an early comic! It's about teeth soup.

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