Старая ревизия
AWKWARD ZOMBIE 0341 - 0350
Dark Age of the Law
I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure it takes like three or four years of post-undergraduate law school to be anywhere near eligible to take the bar exam, so most lawyers don't start their exciting and dramatic courtroom careers until their mid-to-late-twenties at the earliest. Unfortunately, humans pupate from their Hot Anime Hunk/Babe forms well before then and must move on to be Wizened Mentor Figures by their early thirties, so it's not surprising that the Ace Attorney series has taken some liberties. Or, whatever, everyone goes to lawyer highschool because of course they do.
WHOA LIGHTNING SURPRISE NEWS! If you're planning on going to Anime Boston NEXT WEEKEND, I'll be there! It's in Boston, unsurprisingly! Look for me in the Dealers Room with our pals from Level Up Studios!
All That Glitters
I mentioned how shiny Pokemon are much easier to get now, from the combination of a higher encounter rate, chain fishing, horde battles, and even an item that increases your chance of finding one.
I've been playing Pokemon obsessively since before shiny Pokemon were even a thing, and I hadn't seen one until X and Y – and now that I finally do have one, they seem like less of an exciting achievement.
Also, Norrin will never let me forget that he only recently got back into playing Pokemon and has already found three times as many shinies as I have. WILL THE INJUSTICES NEVER END
Hey New York/New Jersey area friends! Reminder that I'll be in Hoboken for the Castle Point Anime Convention this Sunday in the Artists Alley! COME ON DOWN and let's exchange New Jersey high fives!
Dead Meat
I recently played the original Fallout for the first time, and it was really cool! One thing I noticed, however, was the tendency of your NPC companions to graciously permadeath-sacrifice themselves to protect you (or, usually, for no reason at all). The worst offender of this was Dogmeat (the ancestor of the Fallout 3 dog of the same name), who, by nature of being a dog, was unable to hold a gun, and who attacked enemies by running directly at them, which usually took him on a collision course with every environmental hazard and bullet between himself and his target. Also by nature of being a dog, Dogmeat was unable to wear armor, so he was converted to dog slurry by anything more threatening than a gentle breeze.
The latter third or so of the game is kind of famous for being nearly impossible for Dogmeat to survive through (Dogmeat I's canonical cause of death is by red forcefield), and it's considered an achievement for the player to trick the game into letting him live. It is not easy.
I realized after drawing this that it was pretty similar to an earlier comic I did! Either I'm super into not letting imaginary dogs die or I'm becoming a parody of myself.
Witless Stand
When I play games that are heavy on text and light on animation, my brain tends to fill in the missing choreography, because I think it's incredibly awkward for scenes to play out with the characters moving nothing but their mouths.
The Ace Attorney games have traditionally placed anyone who isn't a lawyer or a judge on the combination witness stand/defendant seat, because drawing sprites is hard. LIKE A LOT OF THINGS, this was pretty unnoticeable in the series's earlier games, where cases had like four people, tops, but the recent installations have more sprawling casts, and the court sections of the games sometimes have everyone in the story taking part in the same conversation, with almost all of them apparently sharing the same point in space.
My brain tends to interpret this as a character taking the stand and saying something only to be immediately shoved aside by someone else, ad infinitum.
PEOPLE OF WISCONSIN: reminder that I'll be at No Brand Con this weekend! That's in Eau Claire! More like WOW CLAIRE, WE BETTER GET DOWN THERE AND EXPERIENCE SOME ANIMES