Awkward-zombie 0201 - 0210 (D)


This is a comic that was written by OMNITHEA.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Javelin Travelin'

This was something I wrote years ago and it sort of resurfaced in my brain. JAVELINS, HUH. Fire Emblem, huh.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Pain Train

I don't know who thought the Battle Subway was going to be a good idea.

You can watch my will to live unravel HERE.


Jumping To Conclusions

I have been playing a whole lot of TF2 lately.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Mushroom Kingdom

I have also been playing a lot of Minecraft.

I know that the mushroom spread rate has increased, but they have a tendency to completely overtake any patch of darkness they can wedge into. It's entirely unsettling.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Off Guard (Часть 1)

I remembered that Spirit Tracks was a thing and then I beat it! It's probably the first Zelda game I lost interest in halfway through. I blame the train. I also bought Mass Effect during the Steam Summer Sale but I have a comic buffer again so prepare for a couple weeks of Zelda comics anyway.

I feel like if Zelda acquires all of a Phantom Guard's powers when possessing one, she should probably also acquire their inability to see things on a shiny floor.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Off Guard (Часть 2)

One thing I did like about Spirit Tracks was that princess Zelda was kind of a jerk.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Urine Trouble Now

Norrin is a bad person for writing this, and I'm a bad person for thinking it's hilarious.

Edit: It has come to my attention that someone has already drawn this! It was an accident, and Norrin and I both feel really bad. Sorry, everybody on the Internet!
(If anyone knows where that comic came from, please let me know so I can give better credit and a better apology)
Edit#2: I got word from the original artist, who goes only as Gilly! Unfortunately, most of their work is anonymous, so I can't point you to anywhere to find more of it. But it's out there. SOMEWHERE.

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Note to Self

I have this problem with a lot of DS games that expect you to write an essay or draw a masterpiece in order to remember information you need for a puzzle, or (in Professor Layton's case) to complete a simple algebra problem. My rail maps eventually became very, very cluttered with «information».

At one point, I started using symbols instead of words and word-like things, but if you come back to it a week later and forget what it means, what was the point of writing it down in the first place?

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.


Who's There

I really, really liked Mass Effect 1 and 2, and now I am outraged by the very idea that I have to wait so long for Mass Effect The Third.

I think the real reason that the Council warmed up to the human race so quickly is that we have a knack for opening doors. Nobody else seems to quite have it down.

ALSO: If you like wearing CLOTHES, maybe you want to preorder a shockingly fantastic RUNAWAY ENTEI T-SHIRT. I know I would!

You can watch this comic being drawn HERE.

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