Nap Battle

SURPRISE HAVE A NEW WEBSITE THING. It's got nav buttons on the top of the page! And an RSS feed! And a lot of other things. Credit for immaculately coding everything goes to the talented Chris Federici, who is probably a wizard or something based on his arcane programming magics. Thanks also to Norrin, who spent a lot of time debugging things.

We're still ironing out bugs, so if you spot anything that shouldn't be, or if you just want to tell me you don't like this shade of yellow, send something to [email protected]. Aikonia also still exists! Here it is! Look! Mystery!

Этот сайт использует куки. Находясь здесь, вы соглашаетесь с их хранением на вашем компьютере. Также вы подтверждаете, что прочитали и поняли нашу Политику конфиденциальности. Если вы не согласны - покиньте сайт.Больше информации о куки