Эта старая версия была заменена новой проверенной версией !
Эта версия является непроверенным черновиком! (последняя правка: 2019/01/30 21:37 от Robot Spike)
Проверили: 0/1Ссылка на предыдущую версию (последняя правка: 2018/04/28 15:50)

Проверили: 0/1Ссылка на предыдущую версию (последняя правка: 2018/04/28 15:50)

RU / Старая ревизия
I messed this joke up. I don't know what I was going for but it melted before I got there.
Anyway, Radiant Dawn is pretty great. It's improved some of the mechanics from Path of Radiance (while at the same time completely destroying Support Conversations), but it's still a Fire Emblem game.
Naturally, then, it still has the more bizarre gameplay elements, like being able to «rescue» other characters on the field. I guess it makes sense if the rescuer is reasonably larger than the rescuee, but I don't know how these guys manage to carry around units on horseback.