Sandra and Woo 0794
Raccoon Facts
Tough raccoon: The raccoon was probably not doing pullups, but he saved the heavy man from falling down according to
Dorcas MacClintock: “A Natural History of Raccoons”, page 30
Macho raccoon: The raccoon probably didn’t own a Mercedes-Benz, but the rest is completely true according to
Philip Bethge: “Randale unterm Dach” in Der Spiegel 26/2002
Big raccoon: It is unknown if the hunter mistook the raccoon for Bigfoot, but such a big one indeed lived in Wisconsin according to
Dorcas MacClintock: “A Natural History of Raccoons”, page 8
Rancher raccoons: Completely true according to
Katja Ridderbusch: “Den Tod anpflanzen” in espace. ch, 26. January 2008