Furry Guys 0313

Issue 5-51

Characters - Wolf armed 1


* In North Tornia there is a program in which any family can take in the custody of an exorcist child who has lost his or her parents if they wish. Most of the children involved are those who are unfit for life in an orphanage, “troubled” teenagers with an unstable mental background, etc. Of course, when “receiving” such a child, the family receives the instructions, guidelines and warnings necessary for overall safety.
Most of the time, the family participates in the program because of the allowance paid for such children (which is equal to the average salary of the country), although there are conscious citizens who participate in the program in order to help the country in raising its future defenders.
Under the terms of the program, a child must live with the family for at least a year, after which the contract with the family can be extended or terminated. If, for some reason, the family fails the “probationary period,” they are fined a substantial fine and the foster exorcist is taken to another family.

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