Furry Guys 0297

Issue 5-37


* “Subject-matter specialist” (jarg.) - an exorcist who is much better at distinguishing properties, qualities and energy of inanimate objects, objects, has a special flair for mental connections of the “object-master” kind.**

“Joint passage of combat training” implies that a student of one profile school (Engineers) can attend classes with a similar age group of another profile (Demonologists), provided that the additional classes do not “overlap” the basic classes and do not affect academic performance.

P.S. The girl (Rami) can be seen wearing a “Sharp-Shooter” amulet around her neck - a type of amulet that helps to develop and enhance her innate talent for shooting, as well as preserve her eyesight.

The “Winged” amulet around Jeremy Sid's neck is a “Guardian of the Soul,” a protector against the evil eye, spoilage, and curses.

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