Old revision

Freefall 1611 - 1620
Freefall 1611

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

You must go and check out security disturbance.
By myself? What if they have a gun?
You will be safe. That is most modern ballistic armor and helmet you are wearing.
Now be remembering. You will be in building with very much expensive equipment. If they do shootings at you, stand very still so they not miss and maybe hit something valuable.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 1612

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

I've got the remote! Let's go get your Bowman's Wolf.
Oh, sure. When she's good, she's an Ecosystems Unlimited Bowman's Wolf. When she's bad, she's MY Bowman's Wolf.
If we hurry, we can get her back before anyone realizes we've lost control of an Artificial Intelligence.
You do realize Florence is probably a better person without your control?
Man, I hope not. Can you imagine what a public relations disaster that would be?

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 1613

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

[!1.3]INTRUDER! Proceed to wall station and identify yourself!
Florence Ambrose.
[!1.3]Voice print! MATCH! Iris scan! MATCH! Engineer assigned to Forward station for F.T.L. Research! Clearance level! BETA! Access to facilities! AUTHORIZED!
Something tells me I'm not dealing with one of Dr. Bowman's A.I.'s here.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 1614

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

Huff! Huff! Huff!
Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!
You're chirping.
Yes. The run seems to have gotten my pants into an uproar.
Whew. Why aren't you tired?
I keep in shape by being chased regularly. It's the only exercise program I haven't been tempted to quit half way through.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 1615

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

INTRUDERS! Proceed to wall station and identify yourself!
I am Varroa Jacobsoni and this is Sam Starfall, visitor.
Card mismatch! INTRUDERS! Security notified! Army notified! Navy notified! Interplanetary defense force notified! Girl scouts notified! Ladies auxiliary knitting club notified! Elementary school hall monitors notified!
WARNING! Sabotage detected!
We must be the only company in the world whose security A.I. picks fights with its own spam filter.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 1616

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

Short term to long term memory impaired. Security computer is mostly harmless. You're headed to the researcher's office to leave a note.
Stop reading! You'll forget the first note before you reach the last one!
Buffer overflows from sticky notes. This must be what computers felt like when they only had 4k of memory.
Freefall 1617

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

[!1.3]Security has entered the building! [!1.2]INTRUDERS! NOW YOU WILL BE DESTROYED!
Ever consider they might want to surrender?

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 1618

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

Computer, clarification. You said “Intruders”. Is there more than one intruder in the building?
Why didn't you tell me?!
[!1.3]Records show it is important to maintain the element of surprise.
You don't have a self destruct I can voice activate, do you?
[!1.3]No, though that is the most requested feature for my next upgrade.

Color by George Peterson

Alan Foreman brought it to my attention that today's Freefall was similar to a comic he did earlier. Remarkably similar. While I did't intentionally copy from him (I came up with the same idea independently), the fact remains he did essentially the same comic and did it before me. The proper course of action in this situation is to deny everything. No, wait. That's not right. Give credit where credit is due? That's it. Alan drew first. Here's the original comic at S.S.D.D.

Freefall 1619

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

Security has entered the building in pursuit of intruders. Proceed to a place of safety.
I should go help security.
Isn't human intervention needed to actually fire?
Firing request 114892 submitted. Current request being reviewed: 68. Proceed to a place of safety or in 4-6 weeks YOU WILL BE FIRED UPON!

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 1620

Robot and Artificial Intelligence Development. R.A.I.D.

Nuts. Lost my train of thought. What was I doing?
You were about to proceed to a place of safety! Go three doors down and enter the door on your left!
Short term to long term memory impaired? That explains some things. Okay, three doors down and to the left.
Thank you, computer. You've been very helpful.
Compliment noted and filed! Current number of compliments on record: One!

Color by George Peterson

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