Freefall 3521 - 3530 (D)
Freefall 3521

Dinner with the Thurmads

How's the food? I helped develop the strain of spirulina that made up tonight's meal.
Of course, it wouldn't be much without Gregor's cooking. He has a better grasp of big picture things. He also helped in marketing it.
Healthy algae.
My name of “Blue-Green slime” was much more descriptive, but for some reason, it didn't go over as well.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 3522

Dinner with the Thurmads

I was talking with Dad and he would like to help with the reactor transfers tomorrow.
Always glad to have help. What do you do?
I am a swarm manager. I direct simple robots in the disassembly of asteroids and the separation and refinement of raw materials.
It is a bit like herding sheep that carry drills, excavators, and explosives.
That must make the shearing time more interesting.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 3523

Dinner with the Thurmads

Did you want to work from here? The bone yard isn't far, lightspeed delay will be less than a second.
I will go with you on the ship.
It will allow us to know each other better. Working with someone shows more of their true nature than simple conversation.
This is going well. I passed the verbal section of “meet the parents”. Now on to the practical demonstration.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 3524

Dinner with the Thurmads

Do you need any help?
We'll clean up. You two go ahead and do what you like.
Then if you don't mind, I'm going to bed. I need to be up early for preflight checks and to get our borrowed reactor ready for transfer. It was a pleasure meeting you two.
Those are your human safeguards talking. You can still stay up late with us.
As one of the humans who stand to benefit from those safeguards, I support her decision to go to bed when she wants.

Color by George Peterson

Reminder: Sleep deprivation weakens protective barriers (robot_spike)

Freefall 3525

Dinner with the Thurmads

I don't think your Dad has made up his mind about me. I hope working together tomorrow
will help.
Your mom is more accepting of me being a wolf. She's also very interested in how I'm put together.
It's a bit unsettling talking with someone who is cheerful, supportive, and considering the best way to dissect you all at the same time.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 3526

Dinner with the Thurmads

One undershirt, worn for twenty-four hours.
Thank you.
This will help me sleep in a new bed. It's a beautiful biochemical tapestry of you.
In a couple of hours, you'll have the real thing.
Another reason why I need to go to bed early. Have to factor in the sleep loss time for extreme snuggling.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 3527

Dinner with the Thurmads

So, what do you think?
I love that you've gotten
more adventurous. You were always so quiet as a child.
You do realize that you are going to get pushback for being with a genetically modified red wolf.
Oh. Your Father is right. Some people do not like gingers.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 3528

Dinner with the Thurmads

You haven't answered the question, Dad. What do you think of her?
I do not judge based on first impressions.
Your wolf and I will work together tomorrow. There will be more dinners together. You did not make a trip this far for an overnight stay, and it takes time to know someone.
Ask me in a decade. I shall have
an opinion by then.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 3529

Dinner with the Thurmads

Are you still working with parasites?
I am. They do makeup about forty percent of all animal species.
Horrible things. You would think that with the right people supervising, we could do without them.
Well, an economy is far less complex than an ecology, and we've all seen how well central planning works for that.

Color by George Peterson

Freefall 3530

Focus back to Sam

I'm so happy you came to see us! It's been years since we've all been together.
We can each say what we've been doing and we'll have a pleasant night catching up with each other.
Ah, yes. The type of evening that is boring for anyone but family members.
See! Security eye right up there! I told you I can tell when the camera shifts its focus to me.

Color by George Peterson

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