Freefall 1191 - 1200 (D)
Freefall 1191
Freefall 1192

So, should we bring Florence to the meeting tomorrow?
You know the rules. Any artificial intelligence who asks to come may attend.
We'll be in an enclosed area. I should stick on some air fresheners.
Are you still worried about when your shoulder motors burned up?
I just don't want her being offended by my body odor.
She's an engineer. I'm sure she's smelt lots of people who have been on fire before.
Freefall 1193

Florence should provide some unique insights. She's the only A.I. I know who's had a childhood.
I wonder if she was given any advice on how to deal with her own kind.
I hope so. The only guideline we were given for dealing with other robots was “Protect your own existence.”
And as we discovered the hard way, that is NOT the first thought you want going through a robot's mind when he discovers the facilities building his replacement. Especially if that robot's designed to toss asteroids.
Freefall 1194
Saturday morning

It's been a long time since I've been out this late. Beekay is going to go crazy when I walk in that door.
Catatonic. That's a type of crazy.
Catatonia, or catatonic stupor, which is characterized by motor lethargy, silence, and muscle hypotonia. Patients can remain in a stiffened state for several weeks or even months. All kinds of activities, including instinctive ones, are disturbed. (БТРкО)
Freefall 1195
Freefall 1196
Saturday morning

I do like Florence. She's easy to talk to. She's smart. She didn't freak out when I told her I work with parasites.
But what kind of future could we have? We're different species. Legally she's not even considered a person. She's property. She has an owner.
A relationship should have an equal sharing of power. How possible is that when one of the partners comes with a sales receipt?
Freefall 1197
Saturday morning

What would be best for Florence would be a male Bowman's Wolf. Too bad there's only three of them. Going that route, she's probably going to spend her life alone.
Not that I'm in much better shape. More men than women came over on the colony ship. The planet's 65% male. I'm likely to live my life alone as well.
'Course, if we're both destined to live our lives alone, there's no reason why we can't do it together.
Freefall 1198
Saturday morning