This version (2022/06/10 01:39 ) is a draft.Robot Spike)
Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2022/04/20 01:31) is available.
Approvals: 0/1The Previously approved version (2022/04/20 01:31) is available.
Freefall 3738
Provisional Title: Sqid in the maintenance shop
Tess! You must be Florence. I'm Al and this is Nettie.
Al. That's your name of the week?
Short for Albert.
I'm identifying as a twentieth century German physicist.
I'm identifying as a twentieth century German physicist.
Last week she was Ms. Hikikomori and no one could get her out of her room.
You have eccentric friends.
I do. That's why I'm introducing you to the normal ones first.