Freefall 3467

Meet the parents

That's how he did it! I knew your head was too small.
The skull has limited space for neural material. Outside of the skull, you still want bone for protection. Run it under an armored spine and you can increase the amount of neural material and still keep it protected.
I can feel the armored spine stops where it meets the hips, otherwise, you'd have a tail like a platypus. That was probably done for aesthetic reasons.
Tess, she is meeting you for the first time. Please dial it back to eleven.

Color by George Peterson

Up to eleven (выкрутить до одиннадацати) - идиома, означающая использование чего-то на полную или запредельность. Известность получила после демонстрации в фильме усилителя со шкалой от 0 до 11, когда настоящие усилки, обычно, имели только до 10. (Mitrill) Осталось упомянуть сам фильм “Это - Spinal Tap” (1984) (SilverMysth)

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