EN / Freefall 2421

Sam figures it out

You've got your fun happening here. I'm going to see how Florence is doing.
Talk to the police chief. He said something about her not showing up at the compound.
She escaped? Ha! I knew she had the potential to be a great criminal!
She's not a crim… Nuts! If I'm successful, she is going to be a criminal.
Quit hogging all the credit. You may legally make her a criminal, but I'm the one who trained her and did all the hard work.

Color by George Peterson

Actually, the complex was mentioned by Mr. Rybert on p. Freefall 2368, and Max Post heard it. I must have forgotten.. (KALDYH)
If you pull in Freefall 2366, the boss will do just fine. (plBots)

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