Freefall 1122
After dinner

So if you make a mistake, the whole ecosystem starts to unravel?
No, we don't try to put everything down at once. We make dots.
Dots are little oases of life with dead land between them. Some of the dots die. The successful ones spread and will eventually cover the whole planet.
Kind of like how a tiny spot of mold can grow to cover an entire loaf of bread.
We need to work on your after dinner analogies.
Behind Winston's back – игра “Жизнь” (Convay's Game of Life). (KALDYH, Варг)
Its mechanism can also be seen in action in the sandbox game, a simulation of electronics, volcanoes, turbines, nukes and other physical and chemical processes called “The Powder Toy” under the LIFE button. Beware, these algorithms treat the processor extremely harshly, taking all the power available (Robot Spike)